Qin Garden: A Holiday Villa with a Twist

Shuai Wang's Design Marries Tradition and Innovation

Shuai Wang's Qin Garden, a holiday villa in China, redefines the concept of a traditional villa by incorporating an ancestral hall that doubles as a family museum. This unique design, inspired by a Chinese gesture, was awarded the Silver A' Architecture, Building, and Structure Design Award in 2019.

Shuai Wang's Qin Garden is not your typical holiday villa. Inspired by a Chinese term, Wang designed the building outline based on a gesture, resulting in a unique and visually striking structure. But the uniqueness of Qin Garden doesn't stop at its exterior. Unlike traditional holiday villas, Qin Garden houses an ancestral hall, a space not only dedicated to ancestor worship but also to the preservation of family history.

The ancestral hall serves as a family museum, displaying objects that narrate the past of the old house. The intent is to create a space where memories are preserved and stories are told, a place that carries the weight of the past while offering a comfortable living experience. The villa is designed to grow and evolve, just like the family it houses.

The design process involved the reconstruction of the architecture, indoor space, soft decoration, and courtyards. High-quality materials such as cement, oak, rubber wood, FLUA illumination, white emulsion paint, and aluminum plates were used to bring the design to life. The project, which started in December 2017 in Taizhou, China, was completed in a year.

One of the technical challenges faced during the design process was the integration of a solar lighting system on the courtyard walls. This system lights up automatically when the sun goes down, not only welcoming home the villa's inhabitants but also compensating for the lack of road lighting in the village and providing illumination for pedestrians.

The Qin Garden project was a collaborative effort, with contributions from designers Xu Wanlun, Du Mengcheng, Lv Xiangwei, Xu Huilong, and Zhao Wei. Their collective effort resulted in a design that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also functional, meeting the needs of accommodation, family gatherings, and children's activities.

The innovative design of Qin Garden was recognized with a Silver A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2019. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation, strong technical characteristics, and remarkable artistic skill. It is a testament to the creativity and professional excellence embodied in Shuai Wang's Qin Garden.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: shuai wang
Image Credits: shuai wang
Project Team Members: Chief designer: Wang Shuai designer: Xu Wanlun designer:Du Mengcheng designer:Lv Xiangwei designer:Xu Huilong designer:Zhao Wei
Project Name: Qin Garden
Project Client: shuai wang

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