Reviving History: GID Office by Gary Zeng

Transforming a Historical Building into a Modern Office Space

Delve into the journey of Gary Zeng, an innovative designer who transformed an old four-storeyed building from the Republic of China era into a modern office space, while preserving its historical essence.

Located in the heart of downtown Shanghai, the GID Office is a testament to the harmonious blend of history and modernity. The building, originally a four-storeyed structure from the Republic of China era, was renovated by Gary Zeng, who was later invited to establish his workspace on the first two floors. The task was challenging, given the building's historical significance and the restrictions on altering its original structure. However, Zeng's innovative approach led to the creation of a unique and functional office space.

Zeng's design philosophy was centered on respecting the building's original structure while infusing it with new blocks and functions. This approach resulted in a spatial order and aesthetic that is distinct from other modern office spaces. The office, covering an area of 680 sqm, is nestled in a residential area, offering a peaceful and modern space amidst traditional surroundings.

The designer's innovative use of space is evident in the first floor of the office, which breaks away from traditional office design. Instead, it is positioned as a small-scale art museum and collection. The highlight of this floor is the void space above the entrance, which was created by demolishing the floor slab between the first and second floors. This design decision not only improved the lighting of the first floor but also enhanced its transparency and interactivity.

The second floor serves as the employee office area, characterized by a black, white, and grey tone. A red box, placed between the second and third floors, adds a touch of interest to the space. The designer's attention to detail extends to the bathrooms, which are designed to be pleasant spaces, adorned with bright colors to create a visual spectacle.

Despite the challenges posed by the historical nature of the building and the limited office space, Zeng managed to combine multiple functions together, such as the reader and the meeting area. This innovative approach turned potential limitations into luminous points of the office space. The GID Office is a testament to Zeng's ability to transform workspaces into places of enjoyment, challenging traditional concepts of office design.

The GID Office's unique design and innovative approach to space utilization earned it the Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2020. This prestigious award recognizes top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Gary Zeng
Image Credits: Image #1,2,3,4,5:Photographer Wangting , 2019
Project Team Members: Gary Zeng
Project Name: Precious Home
Project Client: Gary Zeng

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