Kechakenmi: A Character Design by Seung Jin Lee

Unleashing the Power of Emotions through KECHAKENMI FRIENDS

Kechakenmi, a character design project by Seung Jin Lee, is a unique and captivating exploration of emotions and storytelling. Inspired by the everyday experiences of parenting, this design aims to share various emotions with human beings through the whimsical and relatable KECHAKENMI FRIENDS.

Seung Jin Lee, the mastermind behind Kechakenmi, believes that all the feelings experienced daily can inspire designs. By materializing these emotions into images, Daddy's Diary, the biggest project of Lee's life, expresses the diverse range of emotions encountered in the journey of parenting.

What sets Kechakenmi apart is the way it brings gods who conquer the universe to Earth to share happiness. The KECHAKENMI FRIENDS characters embody these gods, presenting an ordinary story of divine beings living in human form. Prepare to be delighted by these whimsical gods who will undoubtedly bring a smile to your face.

Unlike a mere design on paper, Kechakenmi aspires to be a cultural phenomenon and an icon that connects the world through the value of happiness. Lee's vision is to create new values in the cultural contents industry, going beyond conventional boundaries.

Technical specifications for Kechakenmi include the use of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator CC. These tools enable Lee to bring the characters to life with precision and creativity.

Interacting with Kechakenmi is an experience that invites open-mindedness and laughter. The characters are designed to evoke empathy and eagerly await your stories. Through this interaction, Kechakenmi aims to create a sense of connection and shared experiences.

The Kechakenmi project began in February 1998 in South Korea and was completed in 2016. It was exhibited at the Korea Character Licensing Fair in July 2016, showcasing the culmination of years of dedication and creativity.

Extensive research underlies the creation of Kechakenmi. The project explores the comic expressions of common stories and delves into the true meanings contained within each narrative. The core of this work lies in listening to these stories and releasing their essence collectively.

One of the main challenges faced during the creation of Kechakenmi was to resonate with a diverse audience and convey feelings of happiness through a single content. To overcome this, Lee sought to integrate the gods seamlessly into our lives, reducing their physical presence. The project also incorporates various situations and individual contents to create a fragmented story, centered around the keywords "delivering happiness" and the existence of "parent."

The design of Kechakenmi reflects the sacrifices and challenges faced by parents. The two gods, represented by characters with clipped wings, symbolize the compromises parents make. The use of blunt colors represents the darker emotions experienced by parents. This story is dedicated to all parents of this age who selflessly give up much for their families.

Kechakenmi has received recognition for its outstanding design. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category in 2020. This prestigious accolade is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving the quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

Seung Jin Lee's Kechakenmi is a testament to the power of emotions and storytelling. Through the KECHAKENMI FRIENDS characters, this design project brings joy, laughter, and a sense of connection to people's lives, transcending cultural boundaries and spreading happiness worldwide.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Seung Jin Lee
Image Credits: Image #1 : Creator(Seungjin, Lee), KECHAKENMI, 2017. Image #2 : Creator(Seungjin, Lee), KECHAKENMI, 2018. Image #3 : Creator(Seungjin, Lee), KECHAKENMI, 2018. Image #4 : Creator(Seungjin, Lee), KECHAKENMI, 2018. Image #5 : Creator(Seungjin, Lee), KECHAKENMI, 2018.
Project Team Members: Seung Jin Lee
Project Name: Kechakenmi
Project Client: Seung Jin Lee

Kechakenmi IMG #2
Kechakenmi IMG #3
Kechakenmi IMG #4
Kechakenmi IMG #5
Kechakenmi IMG #5

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