Happy Ginger Ale: A Packaging Design Revolution

Wen Liu and Jiayi Sun's Innovative Approach to Beverage Packaging

Introducing Happy Ginger Ale, a refreshing beverage packaging design by Wen Liu and Jiayi Sun, that's breaking barriers in the Chinese market. Inspired by the unique taste of ginger drinks, this design aims to attract a wide range of consumers, from young to old, with its innovative and emotive illustrations.

Happy Ginger Ale's packaging design is a testament to the power of emotional connection in marketing. The design features four representative characters - men, women, old and young - each holding a beverage can with a faint blush on their faces, indicating satisfaction. This clever use of illustration aims to evoke an emotional response from consumers, encouraging them to try the ginger beverage.

The designers' inspiration stemmed from their experience studying abroad, where they were introduced to the refreshing and sweet taste of ginger drinks. Recognizing the lack of such beverages in the Chinese market, they sought to design a packaging that would increase the willingness of consumers to try this unique flavor.

The packaging design, made from aluminum cans, measures 115mm in length, 66mm in width, and 66mm in height. The design process, which started in April 2018 in Shanghai, was completed in December 2018. The project was a collaborative effort between Wen Liu, Jiayi Sun, and Weijie Kang.

Despite the popularity of ginger beverages overseas, the designers noted a resistance among Chinese consumers who often associate ginger with astringent tastes. To overcome this, the designers conducted extensive research and decided to use simple and vivid illustrations to tell a story in the most straightforward way, thereby creating an actual connection with the consumers.

The design faced initial challenges, primarily due to the biased perception of ginger beverages in China. However, the designers' innovative approach and determination led to the creation of a design that not only challenges these biases but also encourages consumers to try the product. The design was awarded Silver in A' Packaging Design Award in 2020, a testament to its creativity and professional excellence.

In conclusion, Happy Ginger Ale's packaging design by Wen Liu and Jiayi Sun is a refreshing take on beverage packaging. By using emotive illustrations and focusing on creating an emotional connection with consumers, the designers have successfully introduced a unique ginger beverage to the Chinese market. This innovative approach to design serves as an inspiration for others in the industry, proving that creativity and a deep understanding of consumer behavior can lead to remarkable results.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Wen Liu
Image Credits: Image #1: Creator Wen Liu, Happy Ginger Ale, 2018 Image #1: Illustrator Jiayi Sun, Happy Ginger Ale, 2018 Image #1: Creator Weijie Kang, Happy Ginger Ale, 2018
Project Team Members: Designer: Wen Liu Designer: Jiayi Sun Designer: Weijie Kang
Project Name: Happy Ginger Ale
Project Client: Wen Liu

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Happy Ginger Ale IMG #5

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