Interwoven Layers: A Distilled Design Dialogue

Creating a Warm and Enriched Living Experience

As the architectural volume constructs the cubic space, time and daily rituals contribute to the making of such a warm domain. With distilled design discourse, there is a dialogue reflecting the imagination for the future, under the demarcating axis, an enriched living experience ensues.

Interwoven Layers, a residential design by Hung-Yu Chen and Yi-Chia Kao, stands out with its unique approach to spatial composition and materiality. Through the careful articulation of linear elements, the design creates a series of spatial layers that allow air and light to permeate while demarcating different areas with materials and colors. This interplay of virtual and real, light and shadow, gives rise to a beautiful and dynamic living environment.

The design of Interwoven Layers is characterized by its use of cabinets and walls to create linear realities and virtualities. These elements are carefully arrayed, intersected, and aligned, resulting in a visual and spatial experience that is both captivating and functional. The design allows for the penetration of air and light, creating a sense of openness and connection between different areas of the interior.

One of the standout features of Interwoven Layers is the metal-plate ceiling that runs throughout the space. This ceiling not only serves a structural purpose but also acts as a visual focus along a corridor. By inserting metal plates in the ceiling, the design team was able to solve the challenge posed by traversing beams, creating a new visual perception and focal point in the space.

The design of Interwoven Layers is a testament to the power of simplicity and the integration of personal memories and collections. The minimalist design is imbued with the living memory and artwork collection of the client, creating an artistic ambiance that allows the design to flourish. The changing light and reflection of shadows further enhance the visual experience, turning the space into a canvas of beauty.

Interwoven Layers was completed in August 2019 in Taipei. The project posed several challenges, particularly in dealing with the structural beam and column system. The traversing beam, in particular, required careful planning and creative solutions. By intersecting the corridor and ceiling beam, the design team was able to insert metal plates and create a new visual perception, effectively solving the issue of traversing beams.

Interwoven Layers is a testament to the power of design to create unique and enriching living experiences. Through its distilled design discourse and careful attention to spatial composition, this residential design offers a warm and inviting domain that reflects the imagination for the future. With its interplay of virtual and real, light and shadow, Interwoven Layers is a true work of art.

Image Credits: Yu Wei Huang

Awards and Accolades: Interwoven Layers was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2020. This prestigious award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The design of Interwoven Layers integrates industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, providing fulfillment and positive feelings, contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Hung Yu Chen
Image Credits: Yu Wei Huang
Project Team Members: Hung Yu Chen Yi Chia Kao
Project Name: Interwoven Layers
Project Client: Hung Yu Chen

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Interwoven Layers IMG #5

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