Project Yellow: A Visual Revolution in Design

Yu Chen's Award-Winning Design Project Transforms the Color Yellow into a Visual IP

In a world where color is often taken for granted, one designer has chosen to elevate a single hue to the status of a visual intellectual property. Yu Chen's Project Yellow is an ambitious art project that constructs the visual concept of "Everything is Yellow".

Project Yellow is not just a design, but a comprehensive art project that aims to transform the color yellow into a visual concept. The project's key vision is to create large outdoor displays in various cities, along with a series of cultural and creative derivatives. This project is unique in its approach, using the color yellow as a visual IP, and has already been used for the visual promotion of Jiangsu TV's variety show OPEN.

Yu Chen's design process involved a combination of sculpture, 3D modeling, 3D printing, and photography. The project began in September 2019 and was completed in January 2020. The designer's inspiration for Project Yellow came from the color itself. Yellow, according to Chen, is a fascinating and visually dynamic color. He combined various elements such as interesting sculptures, 3D models of science fiction, and fashionable elements to showcase the theme that everything is yellow.

The project faced several challenges, particularly in achieving the desired visual impact. Chen spent a significant amount of time on 3D modeling and rendering, constantly adjusting the visual language and 3D elements to perfect the project. The result is a compelling visual image with an energetic color scheme that forms a unified key vision, making it unforgettable.

Project Yellow's strong visual impact aligns with the aesthetic perception of trends among mainstream young people. Its visual extensibility is very strong, and in the future, Project Yellow plans to collaborate with multiple brands to create more visual art products. The project's success is evident in its recognition at the A' Design Award, where it was awarded Silver in the Computer Graphics, 3D Modeling, Texturing, and Rendering Design category in 2020.

Yu Chen's Project Yellow is a testament to the power of color and visual impact in design. It is a unique design project that has successfully transformed a color into a visual IP, setting a new standard for visual communication and design innovation.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yu Chen
Image Credits: Yu Chen
Project Team Members: Yu Chen
Project Name: Project Yellow
Project Client: Yu Chen

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Project Yellow IMG #5

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