Lens and Space: A Unique Glasses Shop by Kailun Huang

Translating Optical Science into Innovative Design

In the world of design, inspiration can come from the most unexpected places. For Kailun Huang, the inspiration for his award-winning glasses shop design, Lens and Space, came from the very product the shop sells - glasses. By translating the properties of concave and convex lenses into design elements, Huang has created a unique space that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also reflects the essence of the products on display.

When entering Lens and Space, one is immediately struck by the innovative use of expanded mesh. Huang has cleverly used this material, with different sizes of holes, to mimic the effect of a concave lens. By recombining and layering the mesh from the architectural wall to the interior ceiling, he has created a sense of clearance and vagueness, much like the effect one experiences when looking through a concave lens.

But the design does not stop there. Huang has also incorporated the properties of a convex lens into his design. On the exhibition wall, the sizes of objects appear to change at will, reflecting the property of a convex lens to magnify or reduce images. The display cabinetry also presents twisted and tilted images, further enhancing the lens-like experience.

Creating such a unique space was not without its challenges. Transferring the characteristics of different lenses into design elements required a deep understanding of both optical science and design principles. Moreover, finding the right materials to match these characteristics was another hurdle that Huang had to overcome.

Despite these challenges, Huang's efforts have not gone unnoticed. Lens and Space was awarded Silver in the A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2020. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation, and Lens and Space certainly fits the bill. With its strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, the design introduces positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

In conclusion, Lens and Space is a testament to Huang's creativity and innovation. By taking inspiration from the very products the shop sells, he has created a unique space that not only enhances the shopping experience but also pays tribute to the science behind the products. It is a shining example of how design can transform a simple glasses shop into a work of art.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: kailun huang
Image Credits: Main image is Image #1: Photographer hey cheese, 2017. Optional Image #1 is Image #2: Photographer hey cheese, 2017. Optional Image #2 is Image #3: Photographer hey cheese, 2017. Optional Image #3 is Image #4: Photographer hey cheese, 2017. Optional Image #4 is Image #5: Photographer hey cheese, 2017.. Video Credits: iiiudesign, PDF Credits:iiiudesign
Project Team Members: kai-lun Huang
Project Name: FVB
Project Client: kailun huang


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