Typotect: A Modern Museum of Piet Zwart

Reinterpreting the Works of a Modernist Pioneer

When graphic designer Seulah Choi discovered the works of Piet Zwart, a pioneer of modernism, she was captivated by his unique use of color, shape, and composition. Inspired by Zwart's legacy, Choi embarked on a journey to create Typotect, a modern museum that pays homage to the renowned designer's iconic style.

Typotect is a print-based brand identity design that showcases Zwart's distinct artistic vision. The name of the museum itself is a clever combination of "Typography" and "Architect," reflecting Zwart's dual career as a typographer and architect. Choi carefully reinterpreted Zwart's works, incorporating his signature use of three primary colors, linear shapes, and spatial compositions to create a brand identity that is both modern and inspiring.

The main characteristics of the Typotect project lie in its use of three primary colors, thin strokes for the light lines, and color-based plane shapes. The logo, a reshaped square with a thin line, embodies Zwart's design principles and serves as a visual representation of the museum's identity.

Choi's meticulous attention to detail is evident in the technical specifications of the design. The poster, measuring 594mm x 841mm, adheres to a specific ratio that can be adjusted while maintaining visual harmony. The name card, on the other hand, follows a standard size of 50mm x 70mm.

The Typotect project began in 2016 in New Jersey and was completed in March 2020. Choi dedicated significant time to its development, continuously refining and renewing the design to ensure it remained relevant and on-trend. The project's latest version was awarded the Silver Winner in the Asia Design Prize 2019, a testament to its excellence and innovation.

Choi's research for Typotect involved visiting various modern museums in New York City to understand the appeal and impact of modern art. Additionally, she extensively studied Piet Zwart's works, delving into books and online resources to gain insights into his design philosophy. By analyzing Zwart's main characteristics and reinterpreting them for a new type of modern museum branding, Choi successfully created a unique and captivating brand experience.

One of the challenges Choi faced was striking a balance between honoring Zwart's original works and creating a brand identity that reflected a modern design museum. She achieved this by simplifying the design and utilizing linear shapes to convey Zwart's artistic identity while infusing a contemporary touch.

Typotect's outstanding design and creative ingenuity have garnered recognition in the form of the Bronze A' Design Award in 2020. This prestigious award celebrates designs that demonstrate exceptional technical and creative skills, contributing to improvements in quality of life and making a positive impact on the world.

Typotect is not just a museum; it is a testament to the enduring influence of Piet Zwart's modernism. Seulah Choi's reinterpretation of Zwart's works breathes new life into his legacy, inspiring designers and art enthusiasts alike.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Seulah Choi
Image Credits: Seulah Choi
Project Team Members: Seulah Choi
Project Name: Typotect
Project Client: Seulah Choi

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Typotect IMG #5

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