Revitalizing Hangzhou: The Innovative West Lake Service Area

Idl Design Transforms a Traditional Service Area into a Modern, Sustainable Hub

Idl Design's Hangzhou West Lake Service Area is a remarkable blend of innovation, sustainability, and cultural homage, transforming a once simple service area into a comprehensive, shopping mall-styled space.

Located near Yuanpu Town of West Lake District, the Hangzhou West Lake Service Area was once a small-scale, single-function facility with outdated amenities. However, Idl Design saw potential in the project, prioritizing sustainability and visitor experience in their redesign. The result is a unique, comprehensive service area that not only caters to the needs of visitors but also pays tribute to the local culture of Hangzhou.

The design team drew inspiration from the sweet-scented osmanthus, Hangzhou's city flower, integrating it into the architectural design. This thoughtful incorporation of local elements is a testament to Idl Design's commitment to creating spaces that resonate with their surroundings. The visual connection between the architectural space and the surrounding landscape was also a key consideration, resulting in a design that harmoniously blends with its environment.

Amid the global pandemic, Idl Design introduced innovative service facilities such as a smart capsule hotel, an unmanned convenience store, and an unmanned coffee stand. These facilities, powered by face recognition technology, minimize social contact, demonstrating the design team's adaptability and forward-thinking approach. The team also implemented a switch control system in the building's entrances to reduce crowd gathering, further enhancing the safety and convenience of the service area.

The project, which spans an impressive 61,408 square meters, showcases warm wood and pure colors in its interior, creating a relaxed, cozy atmosphere. The two main buildings in the north and south offer unique dining spaces with different themes, further enhancing the visitor experience. This attention to detail and commitment to creating a comfortable space for visitors is a hallmark of Idl Design's approach.

The Hangzhou West Lake Service Area project, which was awarded Silver in A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2021, is a testament to Idl Design's innovative approach and commitment to sustainability. The project not only revitalizes a traditional service area but also creates a space that truly embodies the spirit of Hangzhou, offering visitors a unique, immersive experience.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: CHUN KONG AU
Image Credits: idl design
Project Name: West Lake
Project Client: CHUN KONG AU

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