Shine City: A Minimalist Masterpiece by Kris Lin

Reviving Song Dynasty Aesthetics in a Modern Sales Center

Shine City, a sales center in Chengdu, China, is a unique design project by Kris Lin that brings the aesthetics of the Song Dynasty into the realm of modern minimalism. This award-winning design, inspired by traditional Chinese aesthetics, is a testament to the enduring influence of history on contemporary design.

The design of Shine City is deeply rooted in the aesthetics of the Song Dynasty, a period in Chinese history known for its pursuit of simplicity and minimalism. Kris Lin, the design director, drew inspiration from the artistic techniques of this era, such as the use of ink in painting and the burning of monochromatic glazed porcelain. These elements have been reimagined in a modern context, resulting in a design that is both sophisticated and simple, embodying the minimalism expression of the oriental realm.

One of the unique features of Shine City is its use of silk, a material commonly used in Song Dynasty paintings, as a design element. The designer has used tawny wire glass to create screens that mimic the texture of silk, arranged in arrays to create a poetic atmosphere. This innovative use of materials and techniques is a testament to Lin's ability to blend tradition with innovation.

Shine City is not just a sales center, but also a reflection of the prosperity of Sichuan in the Song Dynasty, a period of high economic development. The design research for this project involved a deep understanding of the region's history and culture, which has been beautifully translated into the design. The result is a space that not only serves a functional purpose but also tells a story of a golden age in Chinese history.

The project, however, was not without its challenges. The biggest hurdle was how to apply traditional Song aesthetics to modern spatial expression. This was achieved through the use of installed art lamps that resemble ice cracked porcelain from the Song Dynasty and screens made from tawny wire glass that imitate ancient paper. These elements, combined with the minimalist design, create a space that is both contemporary and deeply rooted in tradition.

Shine City has been recognized for its unique design and has been awarded the Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2021. This prestigious award is given to designs that demonstrate outstanding expertise and innovation, and Shine City certainly fits the bill. With its blend of traditional aesthetics and modern design techniques, it is a shining example of the possibilities of contemporary design.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Kris Lin
Image Credits: Image #1, 2, 3, 4, 5: Photographer KLID 2020 Video Credits: followed by KLID
Project Team Members: Design Director:Kris Lin Design Director:Anda Yang
Project Name: Shine City
Project Client: Kris Lin

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