Hunger Games

An Avant-Garde Installation Reflecting Society's Challenges

The "Hunger Games" installation project, designed by Derya Geylani Vurusan, explores the issues of excessive consumption, food waste, thirst, and hunger in today's society. Inspired by Suzanne Collins' "The Hunger Games Trilogy," this thought-provoking installation aims to highlight the changing world order and the depletion of our world's resources.

The "Hunger Games" installation project is a unique and captivating art piece that combines avant-garde porcelain plates, glasses, and metal cutlery from various countries around the world. These objects are suspended from the ceiling, creating an illusion of flight. The installation uses an ironic language to explore the relationship between existence and non-existence, with transparent glass forms resembling blown spaghetti, as well as porcelain and cutlery containing vegetables and fruits.

The realization of this project involved the use of heirloom porcelain and metal pieces. The glasses used in the arrangement were created through hot glass blowing and shaping techniques. Each individual part was carefully drilled and hung using metal hanging apparatuses and fishing line. To complement the concept, a special wallpaper was designed and applied to the exhibition area.

The "Hunger Games" installation covers an area of 6 m2 and took approximately three days to set up. All parts were individually packaged and transported from the Istanbul studio to the exhibition place by truck. The installation interacts with different sectors and opens the door to new projects, emphasizing the need for artistic touches and aesthetics in various industries.

This thought-provoking installation was exhibited at Design Week Turkey in November 2018 and later installed at Project 7.8.9 for six months. It was also reinterpreted for the porcelain brand Porland and included in their art collection. The project received the Bronze A' Design Award in the Fine Arts and Art Installation Design category in 2021, recognizing its outstanding creativity and contribution to improving quality of life.

The "Hunger Games" installation project is a powerful reminder of the social issues we face today and the urgent need for change. Through its unique and thought-provoking design, it encourages viewers to reflect on their own consumption habits and the impact they have on the world around them.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Derya Geylani Vuruşan
Image Credits: Photo Credit: Photographer Serhat Ozdemir, Hunger Games, 2018 Video Credit: Egemen Kemal Vurusan, Hunger Games, 2020
Project Team Members: Hot Glass Blowing Artist: Egemen Kemal Vurusan
Project Name: Hunger Games
Project Client: Derya Geylani Vuruşan

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