Night Tales: A Dark Fairytale Collection by Feiyang Zhang

Costume and Fashion Design Inspired by Dark Fairytales

Feiyang Zhang, an innovative designer known for her organic and artistic approach, presents Night Tales, a collection inspired by her own series of dark fairytales. With a passion for all things mysterious and enchanting, Feiyang creates garments that embody the essence of the night creatures, witches, and forests that have always fascinated her.

This unique collection sets itself apart through its storytelling approach. Feiyang first wrote her own dark fairytales, crafting weird and captivating characters. She then designed garments that perfectly capture the characteristics of these protagonists. Instead of starting with specific garment shapes in mind, Feiyang derived lines, forms, and textures from nature, such as butterfly wings and tree barks. By arranging them in various ways, she allowed certain forms to grow naturally, resulting in designs that beautifully complement the human body.

Feiyang's dedication to creating her own fabrics is evident throughout the collection. Incorporating multiple techniques including hand and machine embroidery, knitting, and screen printing, she brings her imaginative stories to life. Each piece is carefully embellished with beading and other embroideries on lightweight materials with stable understructures. This attention to detail ensures that the wearer can move freely and perform with ease, without feeling weighed down.

The collection consists of five looks, catering to both women (size 4) and men (size 10). Feiyang's meticulous craftsmanship is showcased in every aspect of the collection, from the garments themselves to the handmade shoes and accessories. All silk organza fabrics were hand washed to create a softer texture, allowing for graceful movement.

Night Tales made its debut at the Chicago Soho House in May 2017 and was also featured in the World AIDS Day Fashion Show STRUT in December 2017. The project began in March 2017, with the initial looks completed in December 2019 in Chicago. Feiyang continues to create more characters for the collection in London in 2021.

Feiyang's inspiration for Night Tales stems from her love for novels, tales, and short stories that delve into the psychological struggles of different characters. Growing up reading the works of Lilian Lee and the Grimm brothers, she was captivated by their whimsical and supernatural elements. These stories provided the foundation for Feiyang's own weird narratives, which she poured countless hours into crafting.

The creation process for Night Tales presented its fair share of challenges. Transforming characters from words to drawings and ultimately into three-dimensional forms required days of practice, sampling, and prototyping. Additionally, the intricate embroidery work, combining both machine and hand techniques, demanded patience and attention to detail.

Feiyang Zhang's Night Tales collection is a testament to her unique vision and creative talent. By infusing her designs with the essence of dark fairytales, she invites wearers and viewers alike into a world of enchantment and storytelling.

Image Credits: Photographer Amie Hana/Model Bella Roy and Sarah Hensley/Makeup and Hair Paula De Oliveira Silva/Designer and Stylist FeiYang Zhang, Night Tales, 2018

Intellectual Property Notice: Copyrights belong to Feiyang Zhang, 2020.

Awards and Accolades: Night Tales was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2021. This prestigious award recognizes designs that are well-designed, practical, and innovative, meeting professional and industrial requirements. Feiyang's collection stands out for its integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: FEIYANG ZHANG
Image Credits: Image #1-5: Photographer Amie Hana/Model Bella Roy and Sarah Hensley/Makeup and Hair Paula De Oliveira Silva/ Designer and Stylist FeiYang Zhang, Night Tales,2018
Project Team Members: Designer:Feiyang Zhang
Project Name: Night Tales
Project Client: FEIYANG ZHANG

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