Light Up the Love River Bay: A Symphony of Illumination

Transforming Kaohsiung's Love River Bay into a Luminous Spectacle

With the 2022 Taiwan Lantern Festival as a backdrop, the Kaohsiung City Government, in collaboration with various design studios, has transformed the Love River Bay into a stunning light show. This innovative project, titled "Light Up the Love River Bay," is a testament to the power of design and technology in enhancing urban spaces and cultural experiences.

The design team drew inspiration from the concept of light, using it as a medium to illuminate the Love River Bay and convey vitality. The project stretches from the upper reaches of the Love River Bay to the newly established Kaohsiung Music Center, turning the river into the main light of the lantern festival. This design approach is unique in its use of cooler color temperature and colored light to echo the building form and future vision.

The exhibition is divided into three sections: METAFLOWS - Light Islands, the Great Tiger Bridge, and the Kaohsiung Music Center. Each section presents a different interaction with light, challenging the distance between the lights and the audience, and creating a harmonious blend of music, lights, and the scenery of the riverbank. The design team has effectively used light to link the Kaohsiung Music Center and the Love River basin, lighting up Kaohsiung.

The realization of this design was made possible by the profound cultural and historical background of the Love River Bay in Kaohsiung. The design team used lighting as a medium to promote the comprehensive tourism development of Kaohsiung, with the Kaohsiung Music Center becoming the central part of all the lighting systems. The project successfully created a landmark for the Asia New Bay Area and the Love River basin.

The technical specifications of the design include three sections. The first combines light and music, extending to the riverbank, the sea, and the sky. The second is a cross-harbor light of the Great Tiger Bridge, spanning 400 meters to connect the world and look back at our city. The third involves eleven hexagonal installations symbolizing islands between the seas, with 3,300 square meters of light art installations reflecting the new urban architecture of the harbor.

The design team faced the challenge of integrating three different types of lighting in a large exhibition space. The lights installed on the riverbank are architectural luminaires, the Kaohsiung Music Center uses concert lighting, and the installation art uses meteor lights. Despite these challenges, the team successfully created a cohesive and stunning light show.

The "Light Up the Love River Bay" project is a shining example of how design and technology can transform urban spaces. It has been recognized with the Platinum A' Lighting Projects and Light Art Design Award in 2023, a testament to its innovative design and societal impact. This project not only illuminates the Love River Bay but also the potential of design in creating engaging and memorable experiences.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Kaohsiung City Government
Image Credits: Kaohsiung City Government
Project Team Members: LUMI Light Studio, FREES, UxU Studio, Unolai Lighting Design & Associates, JO-HIN CREATIVE CO., LTD.
Project Name: Light Up the Love River Bay
Project Client: Kaohsiung City Government

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Light Up the Love River Bay IMG #5

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