Revolutionizing Product Promotion: The Vivo X80 Interactive Display

Output's Innovative Approach to Naked-Eye 3D Advertising

Output, a leading design company, has revolutionized product promotion with a unique interactive display for the Vivo X80 series of phones. This innovative approach to naked-eye 3D advertising has transformed the streets of Shenzhen and Xi'an into a visual spectacle, offering an immersive and interactive experience for the audience.

Output's inspiration for this project was to break away from the traditional naked-eye 3D building screens and create a giant floor screen cube. The design incorporates built-in radar and human body capture technologies, enabling the content to interact with the audience. This innovative approach has turned the naked-eye 3D display into more than just a visual spectacle, making it a new landmark and a popular spot for internet celebrities.

The uniqueness of this design lies in its massive seven-act naked 3D digital advertisement for the Vivo X80 series of phones. The giant screens erected on the streets of Shenzhen and Xi'an present an imaginative and well-made scene, broadening the dimension and texture of brand communication. This innovative approach leads the audience into a visual complex composed of technological means, incredible audio-visual experience, rich content presentation, and accurate concept transmission.

The design was realized using laser projection technology and 3D naked-eye technology. The materials used include an engineering projector, fusion controller, Rea frame, and generator. The screens were set up in the most critical and influential outdoor places, allowing the audience to watch closely. Two radars were built into the design to accurately grasp the position and movement of the audience, driving the interaction between the content and the audience.

The project, which started in March 2022 and finished in April 2022, was exhibited in Shenzhen and Xian simultaneously. The design research focused on finding the right screen to be erected directly on the ground for viewers to watch closely. The challenge was to capture the position and action of the audience and drive the content to interact with the audience, making the naked-eye 3D more than just a visual spectacle.

This innovative design has been recognized with a Silver A' Advertising, Marketing and Communication Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: OUTPUT
Image Credits: Photographer: Xujie Yan
Project Team Members: OUTPUT
Project Name: Vivo X80
Project Client: OUTPUT

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