Prance: A Futuristic Office Design by Jacksam Yang

Creating a Balance of Technology, Humanity, and Art

Prance, designed by Jacksam Yang, is a captivating office space that seamlessly combines technology, humanity, and art. With its sharp and simple futuristic design, Prance offers a unique and inviting environment for both employees and visitors.

The inspiration behind Prance is to create an ambience that invites visitors to soak up a restrained but comforting atmosphere. Jacksam Yang's vision-to-mind experience aims to illustrate the balance and harmony among technology, humanity, and art, while fulfilling the expectation of a wonderful life in the space towards the future.

What sets Prance apart is its consistent design language, which begins at the entrance. The visual focus at the entrance demonstrates permeability and comfort, while creating a capacious working environment. The space is carefully designed to provide a sense of balance and harmony.

The materials used in Prance have a modern touch, with a grayscale tone and wood accents that add warmth to the space. The traffic flow is layered, and the design skillfully visualizes compression to expansion, creating a sense of tension. Wooden partitions visually extend the height of the space and provide privacy. The curved boards and linear lighting shape a sharp futuristic ambiance with a modern minimalist aesthetic. As one walks through the space, the mood is transformed at each step, leading towards a wonderful future.

Prance spans an area of 291 square meters and is located in Hsinchu, Taiwan. The project started in July 2021 and was completed in March 2022. Throughout the design process, Jacksam Yang conducted extensive research, incorporating open staircases with metal and marble to create a see-through effect and act as a focal point at the entrance. Glass and tiles are used to distinguish different areas, while appropriately designed blank spaces make the space feel lighter. Natural light floods through large windows, allowing for interaction between each floor and creating a sense of flow.

Prance has been recognized for its outstanding design and creativity, receiving the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This prestigious award is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate experience, resourcefulness, and best practices in art, science, design, and technology. Prance showcases strong technical and creative skills, contributing to improvements in quality of life and making the world a better place.

Photographer: Weimax Studio

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Jacksam Yang
Image Credits: Photographer : Weimax Studio
Project Team Members: Jacksam Yang
Project Name: Prance
Project Client: Jacksam Yang

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