Bounteous Mind and Life

Redefining Urban Renewal Through Meditation and Reflection

The design of new buildings and the renovation of old buildings serve the same purpose. The core concepts are to restore urban functions, improve the landscape, and enhance public interests. How should architects feel about a construction that is on the verge of being more standardized? Our proposal is to reflect on life and its end, mirroring the transcendental mind in shadows.

Speaking of urban renewal, the Bounteous Mind and Life project takes a unique approach by combining the renovation of an old house with the creation of a meditation field. Designed by the Creative Group - Journey Architecture, this retail design draws inspiration from Japanese aesthetics of shadows, tea ceremony, and temple culture to create a peaceful and introspective atmosphere.

The design of Bounteous Mind and Life is characterized by elongated lines and the scent of tea, stimulating the senses and inviting visitors to immerse themselves in a tranquil environment. The spatial layers metaphorize the different stages of life, encouraging reflection on the value of life and enlightening the direction of new beginnings.

Utilizing the principles of shadows and the road of pilgrimage, the design creates a sensory experience that metaphorizes various life states. By inspiring self-reflection on life pursuits in the dark, Bounteous Mind and Life offers a unique opportunity for visitors to explore their inner selves and find solace in the midst of the bustling city.

The realization of this design is made possible through the interpretation of Japanese aesthetics. By incorporating shadows and moving lines, the design stimulates sensory receptivity and creates a space for spiritual exploration. The rebirth of the old building adds a layer of history and authenticity to the experience, inviting visitors to embark on a simple yet profound journey of self-discovery.

With a total area of 380 square meters, Bounteous Mind and Life stands as a testament to the power of design to transform spaces and elevate the human experience. The project was brought to life by a talented team led by Creative Director Wei-Hua Hung, Head Designer Tsung-Ju Lu, and Designer Bi-Yuan Tang.

In addition to its aesthetic appeal, Bounteous Mind and Life also serves a functional purpose. By strengthening the old building and infusing it with new meanings, the design creates a spatial level of meditation in the city and promotes the sublimation of spiritual values.

The Bounteous Mind and Life project was completed in February 2022 in Taiwan. It is a result of extensive research on creating a vertical access road that leads citizens to reflect on the nature of life and the environment. The exterior design embraces the concept of wabi-sabi, emphasizing simplicity, while the interior design embraces darkness, urging visitors to observe the state of their souls.

The design of Bounteous Mind and Life was not without its challenges. The base of the project is a three-floor apartment in Xindian, New Taipei City, surrounded by old dormitories of the National University. Despite the difficulties, the design team resolutely invested in the renovation and incorporated the image of meditation, creating a meditative space open to the public and bringing the Zen of life to the heart of the city.

The Bounteous Mind and Life project has garnered recognition for its innovative and practical design. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This prestigious award is given to well-designed creations that meet professional and industrial requirements, integrating industry best practices and competent technical characteristics.

With Bounteous Mind and Life, the Creative Group - Journey Architecture has redefined urban renewal by infusing it with elements of meditation and reflection. This design serves as a reminder of the power of architecture to transform spaces and inspire individuals to embark on a journey of self-discovery.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Journey Architecture Creative Group
Image Credits: mage #1: Photographer KAYING PHOTO STUDIO, Taipei, 2022 Image #2: Photographer KAYING PHOTO STUDIO, Taipei, 2022 Image #3: Photographer KAYING PHOTO STUDIO, Taipei, 2022 Image #4: Photographer KAYING PHOTO STUDIO, Taipei, 2022 Image #5: Photographer KAYING PHOTO STUDIO, Taipei, 2022
Project Team Members: Creative Director: WEI-HUA, HUNG Head Designer: TSUNG-JU, LU Designer: BI-YUAN, TANG
Project Name: Bounteous Mind and Life
Project Client: Journey Architecture Creative Group

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Bounteous Mind and Life IMG #5

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