Wen Bo Land: A Modern and Spacious Residence

Transforming Space with Light and Curves

The design team led by Yu-Ting Lee has created a modern and spacious residence called Wen Bo Land. By removing interior walls and introducing ample light, they have transformed the original layout into a more open and inviting space. The use of curves and light colors adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the design.

The core section of Wen Bo Land is the living room and dining room, where people gather. The design team has shaped this area to be the focal point of the residence, with sufficient light and a modern, low-saturation style. The white wood flooring further enhances the sense of space and openness. A standout feature in this area is the coffee cabinet with blue and green tones, which contrasts with the lighter tones of the surrounding area. This eye-catching element not only adds visual interest but also reflects the function and living style of the client.

One of the unique properties of Wen Bo Land is the use of arc elements throughout the design. These arcs soften the sharpness of corners in the ceiling, facade, and cabinetry, creating a smooth layout, walkways, and furniture arrangement. The design team has also opted for matte glass doors in all areas except the master bedroom. This choice eliminates the heaviness of traditional doors and allows for a visual extension of the small space. The entrance, public, and private areas are distinguished by three different colors and flooring methods, adding depth and character to the design. The foyer, paved with dark-colored faux stone, not only resists stains but also serves as a stylish transition into the rest of the residence.

When it comes to the realization of the design, the team has taken into consideration the client's love for pets. The entire flooring is made of scratch-resistant laminate, while the furniture is crafted from scratch-resistant materials. Even the bottom of the sofa is designed to withstand the playful nature of pets. The coffee cabinet, made of Italian Fenix panels, features a matte surface that doesn't reflect light, creating a calm and low-profile texture. It is also scratch and heat-resistant, ensuring durability and longevity.

Wen Bo Land is a newly completed apartment located on the 2nd floor. With a total area of 76 square meters, it features 2 bedrooms, a living room, a dining room, and 2 bathrooms. The design team reorganized the original layout of 3 bedrooms, 2 living rooms, and 2 bathrooms, removing one partition to create a more spacious living and dining area.

The design of Wen Bo Land is a result of extensive research and careful consideration. The open plan allows natural light to flood every corner of the space, creating a fresh and bright atmosphere. The Morandi blue-green coffee cabinet adds a touch of color and reflects the client's personal taste. The use of arcs and matte glass doors improves the visual experience and enhances the lighting in the residence. The three colors and flooring patterns used in different areas add depth and visual interest.

Despite the challenges faced during the construction period, including convincing the client to accept drastic changes and scheduling the workforce, the design team successfully completed Wen Bo Land. The trust and cooperation among all team members and the client were crucial in synchronizing the progress and achieving the desired outcome.

Wen Bo Land is a testament to the power of design in transforming space and creating a modern and spacious residence. With its unique features, attention to detail, and thoughtful design choices, it is a true reflection of the client's lifestyle and preferences.

Image Credits: Zingidea interior design

Awards and Accolades: Wen Bo Land was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This prestigious award recognizes well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. Wen Bo Land stands out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and contribution to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yu-Ting Lee
Image Credits: Zingidea interior design
Project Team Members: Yu-Ting Lee
Project Name: Wen Bo Land
Project Client: Yu-Ting Lee

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