U Shaped: A Family-Centric Residential House

A Design by Yusuke Tanaka

The U Shaped house design prioritizes family connection and privacy

The U Shaped house, designed by Yusuke Tanaka, is a residential project that aims to create a space where family members can feel each other's presence no matter where they are in the house. Located in Yonago city, Tottori prefecture, Japan, this innovative design offers a unique approach to family-centric living.

The key feature of the U Shaped house is its central living room, which serves as the heart of the home. Surrounding the living room are the kitchen, dining room, bedrooms, and children's room, strategically placed to encourage face-to-face interactions among family members. This layout fosters communication and strengthens family bonds.

To ensure privacy and create an open and bright living space, the U Shaped house employs a clever design strategy. All the parts facing the road are transformed into walls, effectively blocking the line of sight from the outside. This allows for the installation of a large glass wall in the open-ceiling living room, creating a sense of spaciousness and connection to the surrounding environment.

In addition to the central living area, the U Shaped house features a courtyard that seamlessly integrates with the living room. This courtyard serves as a transitional space, connecting the interior and exterior and providing a serene and peaceful environment for the family to enjoy.

The exterior of the U Shaped house showcases a harmonious blend of different materials, including wood, tiles, and plastered walls. This combination creates a facade with a calm and inviting atmosphere, adding to the overall aesthetic appeal of the design.

Constructed using wooden materials, the U Shaped house embodies the principles of ecological passive design. The use of wood not only contributes to the sustainability of the project but also adds warmth and natural beauty to the interior spaces.

Throughout the design process, Yusuke Tanaka faced several challenges, particularly in balancing privacy and openness. The proximity of the site to a public facility required careful consideration to ensure privacy while maintaining a sense of openness. By utilizing walls facing the road and placing windows at a higher position, the design successfully addresses these challenges.

The U Shaped house was built in 2020 in Tottori, Japan. The design reflects extensive research and collaboration with the client to meet their specific needs and desires. The result is a thoughtfully designed space that promotes family connection and privacy.

Recognized for its exceptional design, the U Shaped house was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in 2023. This prestigious accolade is given to designs that exhibit innovation, practicality, and adherence to professional and industrial standards. The U Shaped house stands as a testament to the successful integration of industry best practices and technical excellence.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yusuke Tanaka
Image Credits: Yusuke Tanaka
Project Team Members: Yusuke Tanaka
Project Name: U Shaped
Project Client: Yusuke Tanaka

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