Kouli: A Playful and Innovative English Language School Design

Creating a Safe and Engaging Learning Environment

Inspired by the beauty of nature, Zi Ying Yang designed Kouli, an English language school in New Taipei City that combines functionality with creativity. The design features a unique corridor concept, reminiscent of a sports playground, providing a safe and enjoyable space for children to learn and play.

The corridor in Kouli serves as the connecting element between three buildings, offering a seamless transition between spaces. Adjacent to the corridor are French windows that flood the area with natural light, creating an open and spacious atmosphere. This design choice ensures that the long corridor never feels narrow or cramped, enhancing the overall visual experience.

What sets Kouli apart is its emphasis on creating a playful environment for children. The corridor design takes inspiration from sports playgrounds, allowing children to enjoy their break time to the fullest. The use of flexible exercise mats on the corridor floor ensures a safe surface for children to run and play, minimizing the risk of injuries.

When it comes to material selection, Kouli prioritizes the well-being of its young learners. All paint surfaces are formaldehyde-free, promoting a healthy indoor environment. The corridor walls are made of exposed concrete, which not only adds a touch of industrial aesthetics but also provides durability and resistance to damage caused by children's activities. Inside the classrooms, Japanese sound-absorbing boards are used, offering a safe and non-interfering learning environment.

Spanning across 192 square meters, Kouli is a testament to the designer's meticulous attention to detail. The project commenced in September 2022 and was completed in November 2022, showcasing the efficiency and dedication of the design team.

Zi Ying Yang's research for Kouli went beyond spatial design. In addition to creating a functional space, the designer also developed a corporate identity system (CIS) to establish a cohesive brand image for the English language school. This comprehensive approach ensures that every aspect of the design aligns with the school's vision and values.

The design of Kouli presented its fair share of challenges. The connection between the three buildings required careful consideration of the height difference and compliance with building regulations. Overcoming these obstacles, the design team successfully created a safe and comfortable walking corridor that meets all necessary requirements.

Kouli's unique approach to an English language school has garnered recognition in the design community. The project was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This prestigious accolade celebrates the design's ingenuity, resourcefulness, and contribution to improving the quality of life.

Kouli is a testament to the power of innovative design in creating engaging and functional spaces for learning. By combining elements of nature, playfulness, and functionality, Zi Ying Yang has crafted an English language school that not only promotes education but also fosters a sense of joy and exploration.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Yang Zi Ying
Image Credits: Yang Zi Ying
Project Team Members: Yang Zi Ying
Project Name: Kouli
Project Client: Yang Zi Ying

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