Magnificence: A Residence Designed by Ghih Hsiang Cheng

Achieving a Sense of Magnificence and Functionality

The house owner's demands for a big dressing room, a sense of magnificent space with marble materials, and an entryway screen in line with geomantic principles have been beautifully integrated into the design of this residence. Ghih Hsiang Cheng, the renowned designer, has carefully observed the residents' habits and personality characteristics to create a home that truly reflects their needs and desires.

This residence, aptly named Magnificence, stands out for its unique features and strengths. Designed for a couple, a housekeeper, and a cat, the layout has been optimized to meet their specific requirements. The original four-bedroom layout has been transformed into three bedrooms, with a focus on expanding the master bedroom to provide a more complete and functional space.

The realization of this design is a testament to the designer's expertise and attention to detail. The entryway has been transformed into a welcoming living room, featuring an abundance of stone to create a magnificent sense of space. The dining room and living room, while open to each other, evoke different feelings, with a calming tone of wood grain. Moving into the private area, the corridor connects the three bedrooms, adorned with soft wallpapers that create a gentle ambiance. The master bedroom unfolds along an L-shaped moving line, seamlessly integrating the sleeping area, dressing table, and changing room. Reflective materials and clever lighting techniques have been employed in the changing room to evoke a sense of boutique quality.

Spanning 234 square meters, Magnificence is a testament to the designer's technical prowess and attention to detail. The stone grain floor showcases the cross-nail tiling method, adding liveliness to the space. In the bedrooms, a herringbone method has been used for the wooden floor, introducing a playful element and enhancing the overall design. Titanium plating strips have been strategically incorporated to exude a sense of luxury, even extending to the baseboards in the public space.

The challenges faced during the design process were overcome with creative solutions. The entryway screen, which could have appeared abrupt, was carefully addressed by using two stones to form a screen structure. Combined with the round ceiling, this design choice reduces the visual pressure and creates a comfortable and harmonious visual scene. The ceiling becomes the central point, extending its arc shape into different spaces and adding richness to the overall design.

Magnificence is a space that beautifully combines various materials, including stone grain, dark wood grain, beige wallpaper, and titanium-plated strips. Each material contributes to the unique temperament of the space, offering a sense of comfort and relaxation in the living area. The design thinking behind the space is evident in the long direction of the layout, with a moving line that connects the living and private areas, as well as the functional spaces.

This exceptional design has been recognized with the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This prestigious award celebrates designs that exhibit outstanding creativity and resourcefulness, incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology. Magnificence truly contributes to improving the quality of life, making the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Cheng Ghih Hsiang
Image Credits: Cheng Ghih Hsiang
Project Team Members: Cheng Ghih Hsiang
Project Name: Magnificence
Project Client: Cheng Ghih Hsiang

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