Image of Spirit: A Unique Residential House Design

Creating a Leisured and Cozy Pace of Life

The L House in the western suburbs of Chengdu, designed by Gang Luo, takes inspiration from the concept of a courtyard to create a harmonious living environment. This residential house offers a new leisured and cozy pace of life by balancing internal and external spaces.

Traditionally, Oriental houses emphasize the importance of the vestibule and the backyard in transforming different spaces. The L House follows this concept, connecting the indoor and outdoor areas through the entrance courtyard's waterscape and indoor lighting. As a result, the house presents a vivid and inviting indoor space.

In this project, natural materials take precedence over luxurious decorative elements. The use of metal plates, dark wood, and blank walls in the public areas creates a simple and calm atmosphere. The design aims to provide a comfortable and serene living environment.

The L House spans a total of 920 square meters, offering ample space for residents to enjoy.

The design tags for this project include interior, residential, courtyard, symmetry aesthetics, elegant, and natural.

Chief Designer Gang Luo led the team responsible for bringing this unique residential house design to life.

To enhance vertical movement within the house, a family elevator was added, improving accessibility between the four floors. The stairs and the negative first-floor entrance are strategically located near the worker room, effectively separating it from the master's movement line.

The project commenced in August 2019 and was completed in December 2021 in Chengdu.

The design of the L House is based on the belief that a house should not only provide a comfortable living space but also serve as a place for personal growth and spiritual cultivation. It combines elements of traditional and contemporary design, reflecting a yearning for a happy traditional life while embracing the benefits of modern living.

The design of the L House presented several challenges. In addition to meeting the fundamental functional needs of a standard double-patchwork villa, the designers aimed to create a personalized and open space experience. Balancing the focus on family affection, friendship, and self-growth was a key consideration.

The images of the L House are credited to Photographer Pian Fang Studio.

The design of the L House was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2023. This prestigious award recognizes designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and a commitment to improving quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Luo Gang
Image Credits: Image #1: Photographer Pian Fang Studio, Image of Spirit, 2021. Image #2: Photographer Pian Fang Studio, Image of Spirit, 2021. Image #3: Photographer Pian Fang Studio, Image of Spirit, 2021. Image #4: Photographer Pian Fang Studio, Image of Spirit, 2021. Image #5: Photographer Pian Fang Studio, Image of Spirit, 2021.
Project Team Members: Chief Designer: Gang Luo
Project Name: Image of Spirit
Project Client: Luo Gang

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