Florian Seidl's Lavazza Tiny Eco: A Sustainable Revolution in Coffee Machines

Seidl's Espresso Machine Wins Golden A' Home Appliances Design Award in 2023

Florian Seidl's Lavazza Tiny Eco, an espresso machine made from recycled plastic, is a testament to Lavazza's commitment to sustainability and a revolution in the coffee machine industry. This award-winning design is not only eco-friendly but also boasts a unique aesthetic appeal, making it a standout in both form and function.

The Lavazza Tiny Eco is a compact, easy-to-use espresso machine with a well-structured shape, separated into two intersecting volumes to reduce visual mass and evoke a sense of stability and purpose. The front is colourful and sinuous, while the rear, supporting the easily accessible water tank, remains black, showcasing glossy Lavazza logos on the sides. The frontal pattern repeats the typical horizontal theme present on Lavazza products, creating a coherent design.

What sets the Lavazza Tiny Eco apart from other coffee machines is its commitment to sustainability. It is Lavazza's first machine made from recycled plastic, with up to 61% of the main shell and cup rest made from this material. The machine is part of A Modo Mio, a system offering compostable caps. Life cycle assessment, energy consumption, and noise level were important considerations in the development process. The machine also comes nicely boxed in recycled cardboard, further emphasizing its eco-friendly nature.

The Lavazza Tiny Eco is not only sustainable but also user-friendly. The transparent water tank provides immediate visual feedback, letting users know when it's time to refill. The cup rest can be removed for tall cups, and smaller cups remain closer to the spout, reducing splashes and benefiting coffee temperature and crema. The backlit Stop and Go button is placed prominently on top, allowing users to choose how much coffee they want with just one touch.

Designed in Turin, Italy, the Lavazza Tiny Eco project took about two years from initial concept to final product. The development process involved conceptual and formal research, 3D modelling, and prototyping. Despite being the smallest member of the A Modo Mio range and an entry-level product, the Tiny Eco has a lot of personality and maintains a high standard for aesthetics and perceived quality.

The Lavazza Tiny Eco was awarded Golden in the A' Home Appliances Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award is granted to marvelous, outstanding, and trendsetting creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom. They are venerated products and bright ideas that advance art, science, design, and technology, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Florian Seidl
Image Credits: Lavazza
Project Team Members: Florian Seidl
Project Name: Lavazza Tiny Eco
Project Client: Florian Seidl

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Lavazza Tiny Eco IMG #5

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