Revolutionizing Plant Decor: The Mila Vase

Industrial Design College of LAFA's 3D Printed Vase Inspired by Antoni Gaudi

Unveiling the Mila, a series of 3D printed vases that blend art, architecture, and technology. Inspired by Antoni Gaudi's work, these vases are a testament to the innovative spirit of the Industrial Design College of LAFA.

The Mila series, designed by the Industrial Design College of LAFA, is a collection of three hydroponic vases of varying sizes. The design was inspired by the chimneys on the roof of Casa Mila, a famous work by Antoni Gaudi. The designers refined and altered the shape of these chimneys, introducing twists and blanks to create a more rhythmic and varied design.

What sets the Mila series apart is its use of VeroClear translucent material, based on PolyJet 3D printing technology. This material lends a hazy, mysterious quality to the vases, enhancing their aesthetic appeal. The vases also feature a one-piece double-layer structure, adding depth and layering to the translucent material.

The vases are produced using PolyJet 3D printing technology, with VeroClear translucent material allowing for direct product molding without the need for additional technologies. This material supports a range of color options and offers a pleasing texture. The vases come in three sizes, catering to different planting needs.

The design process involved abstracting and analyzing the shapes of the chimneys on Casa Mila's roof to explore their rhythm. The designers combined spiraling lines and two-sided continuous texture patterns to create a new form full of vitality. The challenge lay in integrating these elements to ensure the entire set of vases conformed to modern aesthetics.

The Mila series was designed by Du Heli, Li Yuankai, and Xue Bomu. The project began in November 2022 and was completed in February 2023 at the LuXun Academy of Fine Arts. The design was awarded Silver in the A' 3D Printed Forms and Products Design Award in 2023, a testament to its outstanding expertise and innovation.

In conclusion, the Mila series is a perfect blend of art, architecture, and technology. It showcases the innovative spirit of the Industrial Design College of LAFA and sets a new standard for 3D printed vases. The design's unique properties and the technology used in its realization make it a remarkable addition to any space.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Wenkai Xue
Image Credits: Image #1: Designer Du Heli, Li Yuankai and Xue Bomu, Mila, 2023 Image #2: Designer Du Heli, Li Yuankai and Xue Bomu, Mila, 2023 Image #3: Designer Du Heli, Li Yuankai and Xue Bomu, Mila, 2023 Image #4: Designer Du Heli, Li Yuankai and Xue Bomu, Mila, 2023 Image #5: Designer Du Heli, Li Yuankai and Xue Bomu, Mila, 2023
Project Team Members: Designer: Du Heli Designer: Li Yuankai Designer: Xue Bomu
Project Name: Mila
Project Client: Wenkai Xue

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