House in Yamate: A Symphony of Light and Space

Tatsuhiro Nishimoto's Award-Winning Design Marries Nature and Architecture

In the heart of Japan, a unique residential house stands as a testament to innovative design and architectural prowess. Tatsuhiro Nishimoto's "House in Yamate" is a beacon of light and space, inspired by the humble act of praying for the sunrise in Varanasi, India.

The House in Yamate is not just a residential house; it's a carefully crafted space that allows the beauty of nature to permeate its walls. The design was inspired by a trip Nishimoto took to Varanasi, India, where he observed locals praying for the sunrise by the Ganges River. This act of reverence for nature and light inspired Nishimoto to create a living space that would be filled with the same radiant light.

What sets this design apart is its unique approach to incorporating natural elements. The house's floor plan was meticulously designed to allow the sunrise to enter the building through glass walls. This was achieved by studying the angle of the sunrise during the summer and winter solstices. To protect the living space from the summer sun and rain, an independent large roof was planned. This roof creates an open space where wind and consciousness can pass through, rather than a closed-off area.

The realization of this design was a feat of engineering. The residential portion of the house is a wooden structure, completely separated from the steel structure that forms the garage. This separation allows each part to take advantage of its unique characteristics. To give the appearance of a large roof supported by four pillars, H-shaped steel beams were hidden inside the roof, and circular steel columns were used to avoid making the columns too thick.

Notably, the House in Yamate has been recognized for its innovative design. It was awarded the Golden A' Architecture, Building and Structure Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award is granted to creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom, embodying extraordinary excellence, and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

As Nishimoto and his team member Toshiro Watanabe reflect on the project, they hope that the construction of this building will allow the residents to feel more light and wind than ever before, enhancing their daily life. The House in Yamate serves as a shining example of how architecture can harmoniously blend with nature, creating spaces that are not only functional but also deeply connected to the world around us.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Tatsuhiro Nishimoto
Image Credits: photo:Kenji Masunaga
Project Team Members: Toshiro Watanabe
Project Name: Yamate
Project Client: Tatsuhiro Nishimoto

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