Switch: A Dual-Function Table Lamp by Di Lu

Di Lu's Switch Lamp: Eye Protection Meets Ambient Light

The Switch table lamp, designed by Di Lu, is a versatile lighting solution that caters to both focused work and relaxed ambiance with its innovative dual-function design.

Di Lu's Switch is not just a table lamp; it's a statement of functionality and aesthetics. It stands out with its unique ability to toggle between eye protection lighting and ambient lighting. This duality is achieved through a simple yet profound metaphorical interaction: lifting the lamp head signals the beginning of work or study, emitting a focused light for eye protection, while closing it transitions the space into relaxation mode with a soft, ambient glow. The design's simplicity is its strength, allowing users to effortlessly switch between modes, thereby adapting to the user's changing needs throughout the day.

The design of Switch is a testament to Di Lu's commitment to simple aesthetics and user-friendly interaction. The lamp's dimensions of 110mm by 150mm by 248mm make it a compact yet powerful addition to any space. The use of biodegradable plastics in its manufacturing not only speaks to the durability of the design but also reflects a conscientious approach towards sustainability. This choice of material aligns with the growing demand for eco-friendly products without compromising on design quality.

Switch's design is a harmonious blend of form and function, where the metaphorical design language speaks directly to the user's intuitive understanding of the product's operation. By lifting or closing the lamp head, the user engages with the product in a way that is both meaningful and practical. This interaction is not only a feature of convenience but also an embodiment of Di Lu's design philosophy, where every element serves a purpose and enhances the user's experience.

Completed in March 2023 in Zhuhai, China, the Switch table lamp project is a reflection of contemporary design thinking, where innovation meets everyday needs. The lamp's dual functionality addresses the multi-dimensional lifestyle of modern users, who require products that can adapt to various home functions. Whether it's for reading, working, or creating a relaxing atmosphere, Switch offers a tailored lighting experience.

Recognition of Di Lu's Switch lamp design is evident in its recent accolade, the Iron A' Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award in 2024. This prestigious award is a nod to the lamp's well-executed design that not only meets professional and industrial standards but also enhances the quality of life for its users. The Iron A' Design Award celebrates Switch's integration of best practices and technical excellence, marking it as a creation that brings fulfillment and contributes positively to the world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Di Lu
Image Credits: Di Lu
Project Team Members: Di Lu
Project Name: Switch
Project Client: School of Future Design, Beijing Normal University

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