The Racket Submarine: A Flagship Store Like No Other

Revolutionizing Retail with Tetsuya Matsumoto's Innovative Design

In the heart of Himeji City, Japan, stands a unique flagship store that has revolutionized the retail experience for sports enthusiasts. The Racket Submarine, designed by Tetsuya Matsumoto, is a testament to the power of innovative design and its ability to transform a space into an immersive, engaging experience.

The Racket Submarine is not just a store; it's a museum, a testament to the history and evolution of racket sports. The inspiration for this design came from Wada Sports' extensive collection of valuable rackets, including vintage pieces, rackets used by famous players, and even rackets salvaged from the devastating Tohoku earthquake in 2011. This collection is exhibited in the upper part of the elliptical structure, turning the store into a modern Noah's Ark for rackets.

What sets this design apart is its unique elliptical structure. The metallic frame of the building is transformed into a gigantic fixture, with the racket products aligned below in an original fixture designed for maximum efficiency. This arrangement makes it easy for customers to pick up each racket, enhancing the overall shopping experience. The elliptical form was inspired by the idea of a submarine, a metaphor that adds an element of intrigue and adventure to the store.

The realization of this design was achieved through a combination of metallic and wooden elements. The building structure was constructed using a metallic frame, with metallic panels covering the exterior walls and wood panels for the inside. The racket display is a wooden furniture piece that includes metallic pipe stands to keep the rackets vertical, further enhancing the submarine aesthetic.

One of the key challenges in designing this store was finding an efficient way to display the rackets. Traditional sports shops hang rackets in series of three to four pieces on hooks, which is impractical and aesthetically unappealing. After extensive research and testing with actual racket samples, the team found that arranging the rackets perpendicular to the customers was the most effective solution. This arrangement allows a maximum number of rackets to be displayed and easily accessed by customers of all heights and ages.

The Racket Submarine is more than just a store; it's a celebration of Wada Sports' 30th anniversary and a tribute to the history and evolution of racket sports. This design has not only transformed the retail experience for sports enthusiasts but has also earned Tetsuya Matsumoto the prestigious Golden A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2018. This award is granted to outstanding creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom, embodying extraordinary excellence and significantly impacting the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Tetsuya Matsumoto
Image Credits: Image #1: photographer ©Stirling Elmendorf, Pharmacy, 2017. Image #2: photographer ©Stirling Elmendorf, Pharmacy, 2017. Image #3: photographer ©Stirling Elmendorf, Pharmacy, 2017. Image #4: photographer ©Stirling Elmendorf, Pharmacy, 2017. Image #5: photographer ©Stirling Elmendorf, Pharmacy, 2017.
Project Team Members: Tetsuya Matsumoto
Project Name: WADA Sports
Project Client: Tetsuya Matsumoto

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