Nalox: A Discreet and Life-Saving Opioid Overdose Kit

Empowering Loved Ones to Save Lives

At only 22 years old, Celeste Greenbaum lost her best friend to an opioid overdose. This tragic event inspired her to design Nalox, a compact and user-friendly naloxone kit that aims to save lives in the face of the ongoing opioid crisis.

In America alone, it is estimated that 175 people die every day from opioid overdoses. Research shows that loved ones or passersby are often the first to find an overdose victim. However, current naloxone kits, which contain a drug that can reverse an overdose if delivered quickly, have not been designed with these users in mind.

Recognizing the need for a more accessible and intuitive solution, Greenbaum set out to design a naloxone kit that could be easily carried at all times. By doing so, she aimed to empower individuals to take immediate action and potentially save lives.

Naloxone is a safe and effective drug that can instantly reverse an opioid overdose. However, existing naloxone delivery systems are typically large and designed for medical professionals. By the time emergency medical technicians (EMTs) arrive at the scene, it is often too late for the victim. This is why it is crucial for loved ones to have the ability to administer naloxone themselves.

What sets Nalox apart is its focus on civilians. The discreet and compact design allows users to easily carry it in a purse, on a keychain, or in a glove compartment without drawing attention. When encountering an overdose victim, users can quickly unlatch the box, unfold the instructions, and follow the simple steps. The simplicity and intuitiveness of the design are key to its success, especially in high-stress situations.

Greenbaum conducted extensive research, including surveys, interviews, and user testing with 3D printed prototypes, to refine the design. The final product consists of a nebulizer made from injection molded PLA and a case made of silicone and hard rubber.

The Nalox kit measures 57.5 x 98 x 23.5mm for the box and 68 x 35 (at the widest point) x 17.7mm for the nasal spray. Its compact size ensures that it can be easily carried and accessed when needed.

By designing Nalox with the needs of loved ones in mind, Greenbaum aims to reduce the number of opioid overdose deaths worldwide. The kit not only provides a life-saving solution but also empowers individuals in the face of a crisis that often leaves them feeling powerless.

Greenbaum's dedication to addressing the opioid crisis through design earned her the Iron A' Design Award in 2019. This prestigious award recognizes Nalox as a well-designed, practical, and innovative creation that meets professional and industrial requirements. Nalox's integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics contributes to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Celeste Greenbaum
Image Credits: Main image: Celeste Greenbaum, 2018 Optional Image #1: Celeste Greenbaum, 2018 Optional Image#2: Celeste Greenbaum, 2018 Optional Image #3: Celeste Greenbaum, 2018 Optional Image #4: Celeste Greenbaum, 2018
Project Team Members: Celeste Greenbaum
Project Name: Nalox
Project Client: Celeste Greenbaum

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