Digital Seniors Brand Identity

Visual Identity

Digital Seniors is a newly established Trust for the digital inclusion and empowerment of seniors. The Trust originated from a Technological Futures Masters research by Cathy Hardinge consulting seniors, businesses, and the public to understand seniors' digital inclusion needs, barriers, and opportunities.

Digital Seniors represents the digital inclusion of seniors. It aims to turn seniors' frustration and embarrassment for technology into enjoyment and self-belief. The brand uses seniors' language and colloquialisms, adopting a positive, respectful, clear, and playful style of voice. Digital Seniors adds lighthearted and humorous statements where possible for seniors' enjoyment.

The Digital Seniors logo was created using a construction guide to achieve symmetry and maintain consistent spatial relationships between each line and curve. The logo and other brand elements have been designed and developed using vectors, allowing for their use on multiple collaterals and dimensions.

Seniors often feel threatened by technology due to a lack of opportunities to learn and use it compared to other generations. Digital Seniors aims to address this by providing positive attitudes, fun, and enjoyable experiences where seniors feel empowered and capable of using technology.

The brand development for Digital Seniors started in November 2017 in Wellington, New Zealand. The brand guidelines were completed in June 2018, and the project was launched by the Prime Minister, Rt Hon Jacinda Ardern, on August 16, 2018.

Digital Seniors was created based on research for a Technological Futures Masters Degree by Cathy Hardinge, CEO of Digital Seniors. The research focused on New Zealand's senior digital divide, identifying barriers, needs, and opportunities. Extensive interviews with over 100 seniors from different regions and backgrounds were conducted, and personas were developed to clarify the goals and establish a new company image.

The main challenge in creating the Digital Seniors concept was to engage both seniors and communities. The brand aims to empower seniors with technology skills for their digital and social prosperity while bringing communities together and working with businesses, councils, and community initiatives. Digital Seniors finds and trains volunteers daily to cater to a diverse range of seniors.

Digital Seniors is a new charity in New Zealand that helps seniors aged 65 years and older learn how to use technology to address their digital exclusion. The brand strategy focuses on positivity and joy to counteract the key barriers faced by seniors. The logo symbolizes the social and human value gained from addressing digital exclusion, with an emphasis on human emotion and social connection. The brand uses positive, cheerful colors and a smile at its center to create a relaxed and friendly spirit.

This Design was awarded Bronze in the A' Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design Award in 2019. The award recognizes outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that contribute to quality of life improvements and make the world a better place.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Max Bessone
Image Credits: Max Bessone
Project Team Members: Max Bessone
Project Name: Digital Seniors
Project Client: Max Bessone

Digital Seniors IMG #2
Digital Seniors IMG #3
Digital Seniors IMG #4
Digital Seniors IMG #5
Digital Seniors IMG #5

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