Destination Paris Bercy: A Unique Hub for Events and Business

Unifying Expertise and Charm in a Single Signature Identity

Destination Paris Bercy is not just a place to host events; it is a vibrant hub of services and a responsive space that welcomes tailor-made projects. Created by Fanny De Bray and her team at Made for you, this innovative concept offers professionals and the wider public a unique and memorable place to gather and connect.

Made for you, in collaboration with a team of event and meeting experts, embarked on a new project to package the Paris Bercy area as a destination where every day is an event. The goal was to create a new visual identity and a website that would capture the essence of this dynamic space. Inspired by the old aerial envelopes, which are recognizable symbols for foreigners and provincials, Made for you designed a Marie-Louise that serves as a visual reference to the charm and quality of the place.

The logo, resembling a passport stamp, acts as a label of quality, clarity, and dynamism, mirroring the actors of Destination Paris Bercy. Each actor is represented by their logo in a stamp shape, creating a single signature identity that unifies their diverse expertise. The iconic French postcard colors of blue, white, and red further reinforce the made-in-France quality and charm of the destination.

Every communication point, from brochures and newsletters to blogs and websites, has been carefully crafted to send a unique message to the world: come discover Destination Paris Bercy. Made for you found inspiration in travel diaries to create a travel guide to Paris Bercy, and in holiday postcards to establish a correspondence with the public. The result is a cohesive and captivating visual identity that invites visitors to explore and experience all that Destination Paris Bercy has to offer.

The project began in May 2016 after winning the call for proposals, and the website was launched at the end of 2017. In 2018, a brochure and a video were added to further showcase the destination's offerings. The meticulous attention to detail and the commitment to delivering a unique experience have earned Destination Paris Bercy the prestigious Iron A' Design Award in 2020. This award recognizes the design's practicality, innovation, and adherence to professional and industrial requirements.

Destination Paris Bercy is not just a physical space; it is a testament to the power of design in creating memorable experiences. With its cohesive visual identity and commitment to excellence, it has become a go-to destination for events, business gatherings, and unforgettable moments.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Fanny De Bray
Image Credits: Photographe : Maxime Huriez
Project Team Members: Fanny de Bray (Creative director) Louise Lecarpentier (Copywriter) Damien Virot (Web developer)
Project Name: Destination Paris Bercy
Project Client: Fanny De Bray

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