Beijing Shimao Loong Palace Type B Villa: A Modern Take on Song Dynasty Aesthetics

David Chang Design Associates Intl. Unveils Luxury Show Villa Inspired by Chinese Renaissance

David Chang Design Associates Intl. has crafted a luxury show villa, the Beijing Shimao Loong Palace Type B Villa, that marries modern design elements with the aesthetics of the Song Dynasty. The project, located in Beijing's Shangzhuang area, is a testament to China's emerging technological and cultural strengths.

The design of the villa was inspired by the Chinese Renaissance in the Song Dynasty, a period known for its significant contributions to material and spiritual civilization. The design team, led by David Chang, studied hundreds of documentaries and books to gain a deep understanding of the Song Dynasty's lifestyle and culture. This research influenced the design of the villa, which features Song poems transformed into spatial atmosphere and modern detailing that adds a touch of the new era.

The villa is situated in an area known for its abundant water resources and rice production exclusively provided for the royal in ancient times. This connection to nature and history is reflected in the design of the villa. The design team worked with artists and art teams specialized in Song furniture, carpets, and works of art to ensure the authenticity of the design.

The villa boasts a total area of 1080 square meters, with a highest height of 6.72m and a lowest of 2.7m. It includes a living room, dining room, tearoom, master bedroom, and a media lounge. The circulation route design manifests subtle interactions within the space, creating an interesting dialogue between the dining room and the other areas.

The project commenced in August 2016 and was completed in May 2018. The design faced several challenges, including the need to balance modern elements with the classical charm of the Song Dynasty. However, the final result is a luxurious, rich, and prosperous space that resembles the landscape painting scrolls of the Song Dynasty.

The Beijing Shimao Loong Palace Type B Villa was awarded Silver in A' Luxury Design Award in 2019, a testament to its outstanding design and innovation. The design is a remarkable example of how historical aesthetics can be incorporated into modern design, creating a unique and engaging space.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: David Chang Design Associates Intl
Image Credits: Chiara Ye
Project Team Members: Chief designer: David Chang Designer: Chris Lu Designer: Zhifeng Li Designer: Qingshan Li Designer: Karen Zhu Designer: Xiaomin Liu Designer: Junjian Ma Designer: Jolin Fan Designer: Cynthia Liang Designer: Rachel Yang Designer: Michelle Zhou Designer: Diqin Chen Designer: Lily Liu Designer: Yiying Du Designer: Berry Ling Designer: Michelle Feng
Project Name: Loong Palace B
Project Client: David Chang Design Associates Intl

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