Media Majlis: A Multimedia Exhibit Showcasing Arab Films and Identity

An Engaging and Thought-Provoking Museum Experience

The Media Majlis, designed by Marla Supnick, is a unique multimedia exhibit that aims to challenge narratives and inspire conversations about Arab films and identity. Through the use of cascading digital screens and interactive touchscreens, this exhibit showcases the history and significance of Arab films from the 1920s to the present day.

In a region where museums are not as prevalent, the Media Majlis stands out as an active museum space that brings people together. Its purpose is to engage visitors with exhibitions and programs that foster knowledge, understanding, and awareness. The subject matter and cultural response required careful sensitivity, and the result is a positive visitor experience that encourages dialogue and exploration.

What sets the Media Majlis apart is its utilization of multimedia technology to tell the story of Arab films and explore the Arab identity. The exhibit goes beyond showcasing the evolution of Arab films; it also delves into how Arabs have been portrayed and stereotyped in movies made all over the world.

The centerpiece of the exhibit is an interactive wall application consisting of an 8x3 array of screens with touch overlay. Visitors can explore different sections of the interactive divided into parts. Within each section, they have the option to choose their language, subsection, and individual videos to watch. The content is displayed in a way that encourages conversation and connection between the videos, reinforcing their interrelatedness.

Working on this project presented several challenges. Not only did the design team need to create an engaging and informative exhibit, but they also had to navigate the cultural sensitivities surrounding the subject matter. With assistance and coordination from Northwestern University Qatar, the team found an approach that was considerate of visitors and respectful of the content.

The Media Majlis was realized through the collaboration of a talented team. Marla Supnick served as the Creative Director, Maureen Lin as the Lead Designer, Jeff Miller as the Director of Programming, Jason Bell as the Senior Producer, Jeff Becker as the Senior Programmer, Eric Espig as the UX Designer, and Jack Thomas Taylor as part of the Content Team.

The exhibit was first developed in New York City, USA, starting in June 2018 and completed in December 2018. It was then installed and exhibited in Doha, Qatar, in April 2019. The Media Majlis has received recognition for its outstanding design, winning the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interface, Interaction, and User Experience Design category in 2020.

The Media Majlis is a testament to the power of multimedia technology in creating engaging and thought-provoking museum experiences. By showcasing the history and significance of Arab films, as well as exploring the Arab identity, this exhibit sparks conversations and challenges preconceived notions. It is a must-visit for anyone interested in art, culture, and the power of storytelling.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Marla Supnick
Image Credits: All images and videos are owned by The Media Majlis and Northwestern University Qatar
Project Team Members: Marla Supnick - Creative Director [Unified Field] Maureen Lin - Lead Designer [Unified Field] Jeff Miller - Director of Programming [Unified Field] Jason Bell - Senior Producer [Unified Field] Jeff Becker - Senior Programmer [Unified Field] Eric Espig - UX Design [NU-Q Media Majlis] Jack Thomas Taylor - Content Team [NU-Q Media Majlis]
Project Name: Media Majlis
Project Client: Marla Supnick

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