Conflict: A Sculpture by Marc Kelly

Award-Winning Art Piece Reflects Political Landscape Through Bold Color and Form

Conflict, a sculpture by Marc Kelly, is an evocative piece inspired by the political landscape and environment of the artist's upbringing. The work, which won the Bronze A' Fine Arts and Art Installation Design Award in 2020, uses bold colors and forms to depict the religious divide and separation of the region.

The unique properties of this sculpture lie in its bold lines, tones, and textures. The strong contrast of colors between the two stone forms draws the viewer closer for inspection. Upon closer viewing, the contrasting tones of the mediums are brilliantly executed through textures that change dramatically where the various forms meet.

The sculpture is made from Carrara Marble and Kilkenny Limestone, hand-carved and polished with grinders. The Irish Limestone base's earthen color is revealed where the contour of the beautiful Carrara Marble's form collides with it. At the point where the Carrara's shape is dissected, it reveals an inner square-edged secret, hinting at a darker beauty within.

The design's technical specifications are 54cm High x 44cm Wide x 20cm Deep at the base. The work is designed to be aesthetically appealing while being a striking and moving sculpture. When viewed under lights, the contrasting colors and sharp form evoke the senses. The technical execution on sculpture has been expertly carried out by the artist.

Research for this work was conducted initially with medium studies to see what materials suited the concept best while revealing strong striking colors that speak the artist's mind aloud. Studies of various carving and sculpting techniques were also carried out from past masters, also seen in buildings and books. The political and emotional senses were present and used to merge these mediums together through form and technical skill.

The challenge with sculptural work like this is marrying them together successfully whilst allowing your voice to be heard through the work. The artist wanted to convey a strong sense of emotional conflict here through the colors, form, and techniques used. The creative and technical challenge is ever-present to also ensure the work is aesthetically pleasing as much as thought-evoking.

The unique design for this sculpture sees strong form merge with bold color through the contrasting stone sourced from across Europe. The result is a striking evocative design sculpted using a variety of traditional and modern techniques to capture the artist's emotions on the subject. The two significant forms in question here have a subtle engagement, captured where the Irish Limestone has been carved to allow the contours of the Marble to settle onto its surface. The natural color of the Limestone is revealed while the Marble exhibits an internal form through the chiseled square section.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Marc Kelly
Image Credits: Gabriel Murphy
Project Team Members: Marc Kelly
Project Name: Conflict
Project Client: Marc Kelly

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