YuJin Jung's Award-Winning "All In One Experience Consumption" Infographic

Revolutionizing Consumer Trend Analysis with Animated Infographics

In a world where indoor activities are gaining popularity, YuJin Jung's "All In One Experience Consumption" project offers a unique perspective on consumer trends. This Big Data Infographic, awarded Silver in A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2020, provides a comprehensive view of consumer behavior in complex shopping malls, using a combination of isometric graphics and animated GIFs.

YuJin Jung, a South Korean designer, was inspired by the increasing number of indoor experience groups in Korea. These groups prefer indoor activities, leading to a rise in consumption at complex shopping malls that offer a variety of experiences in one place. The "All In One Experience Consumption" project was conceptualized to reflect these changes, using the term "All-In-One" to represent the multifaceted nature of these shopping complexes.

The infographic stands out for its unique approach to data representation. It uses isometric graphics, grouped by the representative color of each subject, to create a visually appealing and engaging representation of consumer behavior. The use of animated GIFs adds an element of movement, further enhancing the infographic's ability to capture the viewer's attention. The main content is organized according to the importance of three representative insights derived from Big Data analysis.

The project was realized through social data analysis, where keywords related to consumption trends were extracted and used as themes for each section. The infographic is designed to be easily shared and spread, maximizing the impact of information transmission. The GIF format also adds to the infographic's appeal, making it more specific and effective in delivering the situation.

The project, which started and finished in March 2017 in the Republic of Korea, faced several challenges. One of the main challenges was deciding how to analyze the consumption trend and derive insight. The designer had to carefully consider how to present the visualizations in a way that would be interesting and easily understood. The use of GIFs also required careful consideration to ensure that they did not detract from the infographic's content.

In conclusion, YuJin Jung's "All In One Experience Consumption" project is a remarkable example of innovative design. By combining Big Data analysis with creative graphic design techniques, it offers a fresh perspective on consumer behavior, making it a deserving winner of the prestigious Silver A' Design Award. This project serves as an inspiration for designers and marketers alike, demonstrating the power of design in transforming complex data into engaging and easily understandable content.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: YuJin Jung
Image Credits: YuJin Jung
Project Team Members: YuJin Jung
Project Name: All In One Experience Consumption
Project Client: YuJin Jung

All In One Experience Consumption IMG #2
All In One Experience Consumption IMG #3
All In One Experience Consumption IMG #4
All In One Experience Consumption IMG #5
All In One Experience Consumption IMG #5

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