Omi: The Modular Sweeping Robot Designed for China's Sanitation Mode

A Multi-Functional Solution for Outdoor Cleaning

In the Chinese sanitation model, outdoor cleaning work is characterized by high risk, inconvenience, and inefficiency. To address these challenges, designer Li Xiang has created Omi, a modular sweeping robot that revolutionizes outdoor cleaning in China.

Omi, short for Outdoor Modular Intelligent Sweeper, is a groundbreaking design that combines versatility and efficiency. It is equipped with six functional modules: disinfection, vacuuming, sweeping, stagnant water treatment, guardrail cleaning, and water jet washing. These modules can be easily replaced according to different weather conditions or specific cleaning tasks.

One of the key advantages of Omi is its ability to automate sweeping tasks, reducing the reliance on manual labor and improving working conditions for sanitation workers. The modular design allows for easy customization, ensuring that the robot is suitable for a variety of outdoor cleaning work in both sunny and rainy environments.

The technology behind Omi is impressive. The vacuuming module utilizes advanced vacuum technology, while the sweeping module employs electromagnetic adsorption technology. The disinfection spraying module and water jet washing module utilize high-pressure water pump technology. The body of the robot is equipped with environmental sensors and automatic touring technology, ensuring efficient navigation and power management.

Measuring 1500mm*1000mm*1300mm, Omi is designed to be compact and maneuverable, allowing it to access narrow spaces and effectively clean various outdoor surfaces.

The interaction between Omi and sanitation workers is seamless. Workers can choose the appropriate module to combine with the sweeper platform based on weather forecasts. The installation and removal of modules are made simple through innovative mechanisms. Some modules can be installed and dismantled using the magnetic suction principle of the electromagnet, while others can be easily attached and detached by pushing and pulling armrests.

During operation, Omi can automatically follow the sanitation worker, completing the designated cleaning tasks in the specified area. On sunny days, the vacuuming module can be used to clear fallen leaves or rubbish piling up at road corners. In rainy weather, the high-pressure water gun can be utilized to clean trash cans or billboards. After work, the sanitation worker can remove the modules, and the robot will automatically tour to recharge.

The Omi project, which started in March 2020 and ended in September 2020, was carried out in Wuhan, China. Extensive research was conducted to understand the challenges faced by Chinese sanitation workers, including user interviews, field visits, and market research on sanitation tools. The modular cleaning robot was developed as a solution to the repetitive work, heavy workload, traffic hazards, physical exertion, and difficulties faced by workers in rainy days.

The innovative design of Omi has been recognized with the prestigious Bronze A' Design Award in the Robotics, Automaton, and Automation Design category. This award acknowledges the outstanding creativity and resourcefulness of the design, which incorporates best practices in art, science, design, and technology. Omi contributes to improving the quality of life for sanitation workers and making the world a better place.

Omi is a testament to Li Xiang's commitment to innovation and addressing real-world challenges. With its modular design, advanced technology, and user-centric approach, Omi is set to revolutionize outdoor cleaning in China's sanitation mode.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Wang Yili
Image Credits: Wang Yili
Project Team Members: Designer:Wang Yili Designer:Hu Yun Designer:Niu Hongyan Designer:Sun Zhe Designer:Chen Xiaoli Creative Director:Li Xiang
Project Name: Omi
Project Client: Wang Yili

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