Sweets De Pineapple: A Theme Park Shop and Bakery

Creating an Exciting Pineapple Wonderland

As winners of the Bronze A' Design Award in 2022, Shinjiro Heshiki and Akiko Higashi have brought their innovative design skills to the forefront with Sweets De Pineapple. This unique theme park shop and bakery, located in Nago City, Okinawa, Japan, aims to create a whimsical and uplifting experience for visitors.

The inspiration for Sweets De Pineapple came from the designers' previous success with the winery lounge, which also won the Silver A' Design Award in 2021. The goal was to create a space that would not only showcase the quality of Pineapple's products but also entertain customers. The designers wanted to transport visitors to a theme park-like world where they could enjoy original snacks, shop, and feel the excitement of being at a winery.

The design of Sweets De Pineapple is characterized by its extensive use of pineapple motifs throughout the space. From the floors, walls, and ceilings to the columns, doors, glass, fixtures, and lighting, every element leads visitors naturally towards the pineapple factory and winery. The designers aimed to create a cohesive and immersive experience that harmonizes with the overall design of the other Nago Pineapple Parks.

Technologically, Sweets De Pineapple showcases the designers' attention to detail and creativity. The doors are made of textured materials such as wood and steel, with even the inorganic aluminum automatic doors covered in wood-grain sheets and antique-looking film. Three-dimensional wooden objet d'art fixtures with pineapple motifs are installed around the pillars, while the ceiling features impressive pineapple leaves crawling overhead. The use of Karp, a light material, accentuates the motif of the three-dimensional lattice ceiling, reminiscent of a pineapple fruit among the leaves.

One of the focal points of the design is a five-meter-high and five-meter-deep three-dimensional art fixture with a pineapple motif around the columns at the back of the cash register. This fixture extends from the upper motif to the ceiling, creating a sense of continuity as the leaves crawl further than other fixtures. The impact is further enhanced by the three-dimensional lattice ceiling, which fills the space between the leaves.

The design process for Sweets De Pineapple was not without its challenges. The planning had to be done concurrently with the Pineapple Winery, which also won a silver award at the 2021 A' Design Awards. Any changes to one part of the plan would affect the other, leading to numerous problems that had to be solved one by one. Effective communication and collaboration with all parties involved were essential in overcoming these challenges.

Sweets De Pineapple is a testament to the creativity and ingenuity of Shinjiro Heshiki and Akiko Higashi. Their design has created an exciting space that not only showcases the quality of Pineapple's products but also entertains customers. From the carefully crafted doors to the attention to detail in the main gate and signage, every aspect of the design contributes to the sense of excitement and wonder. Despite the challenges faced during the design process, Sweets De Pineapple stands as a unique and captivating destination for visitors.

Image Credits: Photographer Masahiro Ishibashi (#1-#5), Video: Towa Heshiki

Awards and Accolades: Sweets De Pineapple was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2022. This prestigious award recognizes outstanding and creatively ingenious designs that contribute to quality of life improvements. The design of Sweets De Pineapple showcases strong technical and creative skills, incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Shinjiro Heshiki
Image Credits: #1~#5: Photographer Masahiro Ishibashi video: Towa Heshiki
Project Team Members: Akiko Higashi Keiko Sakaguchi Saya Fuji
Project Name: Sweets De Pineapple
Project Client: Shinjiro Heshiki

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