Destroy: A Thought-Provoking Public Welfare Poster Design

Expressing Deep Meaning Through Graphic Reconstruction

Behind the inspiration is the designer's long-term attention to the subject of getting along with the natural environment. However, with the plunder of nature by human beings, the homes of animals are destroyed, and the precious species are becoming increasingly rare. As a national treasure of China, the designer hopes to appeal to human beings to cherish natural resources and protect the environment through the cute image of a panda.

The Destroy poster design by Lin Lin is a thought-provoking creation that aims to raise awareness about the importance of environmental protection. What sets this design apart from others is its innovative use of graphic reconstruction to convey multiple elements. By achieving visual integration at multiple levels, the poster expresses deep meaning through visual language and creates a strong visual impact.

The poster, measuring 210mm×297mm, is primarily distributed electronically through the internet. Alternatively, it can be printed on adhesive stickers or photo paper for physical display.

When viewers encounter the Destroy poster, they are immediately drawn to the image of a panda. However, the designer deliberately presents only a part of the panda, utilizing Gestalt psychology to stimulate viewers' imagination and prompt them to mentally construct the complete image. The combination of black and white colors further enhances the visual impact and delivers a powerful emotional punch.

The Destroy project was conceived in Guangdong, China in February 2020 and completed in March 2020. It was publicly announced in Guangdong, China in the same month. Throughout the design process, extensive research was conducted to ensure the most effective combination, composition, and use of colors. The goal was to convey the central idea of the poster in a direct and impactful manner.

One of the main challenges faced during the design process was finding a way to use simple visual language to convey deep meaning. The designer skillfully employed silhouettes to recombine various elements, creating new graphics that carry profound significance and are easily recognizable and shareable.

The Destroy poster design has garnered recognition and acclaim, receiving the Bronze A' Design Award in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category in 2021. This prestigious award is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate outstanding creativity, resourcefulness, and technical skill. The winning designs contribute to quality of life improvements and make the world a better place by incorporating best practices in art, science, design, and technology.

The Destroy poster serves as a powerful reminder of the urgent need to protect our environment and cherish our natural resources. Through its visually striking and thought-provoking design, it encourages individuals to take action and make a positive impact on the world around them.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Lin lin
Image Credits: Lin lin
Project Team Members: Lin Lin
Project Name: Destroy
Project Client: Lin lin

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Destroy IMG #3
Destroy IMG #4
Destroy IMG #5
Destroy IMG #5

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