Smartmoov: Revolutionizing Business with Mobility

Creating a Dynamic and Futuristic Brand Identity

Getting inspired and researched by small and big business owners who thoroughly know the market struggles, Ricardo Filipe Lopes da Silva designed Smartmoov, a mobile solution that offers a new way of interaction between clients and business owners. With the aim of tackling the expensive and bureaucratic process of renting a physical space, Smartmoov brings business directly to the target audience, anytime and anywhere.

Smartmoov positions itself as a technology company that has revolutionized the established way of doing business to fit in an increasingly new consumer lifestyle. The brand identity emphasizes mobility and sustainable relations between business owners and customers, incorporating a futuristic and minimalist style into its logo system. This design allows the visual identity to adapt to distinct types of ventures, creating a cohesive and versatile brand image.

The project was realized using Affinity Designer and Affinity Photo, ensuring high-quality vector and photo montage. The visual system was built based on the Golden Ratio rule, utilizing a Phi grid order to achieve a harmonious appearance. The designs were delivered in both RGB and CMYK colors, ensuring compatibility across various mediums.

For stationery, digital media, and products, Smartmoov provided Visual Identity guidelines to ensure consistent and accurate representation. All graphics and illustrations were vectorized and saved as print-ready files, guaranteeing optimal quality and reproduction.

The design of Smartmoov aims to create a dynamic visual experience that goes beyond simple brand recognition. It inspires business owners to adapt and customize their ventures through tailored visuals while maintaining the brand language. By conveying neutrality, versatility, and mobility, Smartmoov encourages entrepreneurs to embrace a more flexible and mobile solution, expanding their reach in the market.

The Smartmoov project was carried out from August 2019 to November 2019 in Curitiba, Brazil. Extensive research was conducted, including UX surveys to collect data on the struggles faced by the targeted audience of established and new business owners. Additionally, technological and trend research was undertaken to understand how futuristic trends are perceived by the public and what similar companies worldwide are building in terms of their brand language.

The design process for Smartmoov presented several challenges. Gathering relevant information about different types of retail businesses and their relationships with customers was crucial in translating it into appropriate symbols and color schemes. The aim was to create a dynamic and integrated visual system that communicates neutrality, versatility, and mobility effectively.

Smartmoov's brand identity encapsulates the key benefits of its business model: mobility and business customization. By offering a flexible and mobile solution, entrepreneurs can enhance the reach of their businesses in the market. The dynamic and futuristic visual system of Smartmoov inspires the target audience, encouraging them to embrace a more innovative approach to their ventures.

This exceptional design has been recognized with the Iron A' Design Award in the Graphics, Illustration, and Visual Communication Design category in 2023. This prestigious award is bestowed upon well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. Smartmoov's brand identity has been commended for integrating industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, contributing to a better world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ricardo da Silva
Image Credits: Ricardo da Silva
Project Team Members: Ricardo da Silva
Project Name: Smartmoov
Project Client: Ricardo da Silva

Smartmoov IMG #2
Smartmoov IMG #3
Smartmoov IMG #4
Smartmoov IMG #5
Smartmoov IMG #5

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