Unajiro: A Feast for the Eyes and the Palate

Keisuke Akari's Award-Winning Visual Identity for Eel Jiro

Unajiro, a visual identity project by Keisuke Akari, is a testament to the power of design in enhancing the dining experience. Akari's design, which won the Silver A' Design Award in 2023, encapsulates the essence of Eel Jiro, a Japanese restaurant, through a series of meticulously crafted elements.

Unajiro, which is an acronym for "U" in Japanese katakana, "U" in hiragana, "Umai" which means delicious, and an acronym for eel, is a Japanese craftsman-like design. Akari's inspiration for this design came from the desire to create a visual identity that is as delicious and appealing as the food served at Eel Jiro.

Akari's design is not just a logo; it is a comprehensive visual identity that extends to various elements of the restaurant, from decorations such as goodwill and lanterns to chopstick bags and aprons. One of the unique features of this design is the recycling mark on the chopstick bag, a detail that Akari was particularly keen on incorporating.

The design process involved creating a concept of a delicious rice bowl. The phrase "prosperous business" on the front cover is a wish that business will go well, reflecting the designer's attention to detail and the importance placed on the Japanese style. The design's technical specifications include a card size of 90mm x 51mm.

Akari's design for Unajiro is a celebration of Japanese craftsmanship and a tribute to the culinary delights of Eel Jiro. The design was awarded the Silver A' Design Award in 2023, a prestigious accolade given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

In conclusion, Unajiro is a testament to the power of design in enhancing not just the visual appeal of a brand, but also its overall experience. Keisuke Akari's design is a masterclass in creating a comprehensive visual identity that is as delicious and appealing as the food it represents.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: KEISUKE AKARI
Project Team Members: Keisuke Akari
Project Name: Unajiro
Project Client: KEISUKE AKARI

Unajiro IMG #2
Unajiro IMG #3
Unajiro IMG #4
Unajiro IMG #5
Unajiro IMG #5

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