Shanghai Urban Planning: A Rebirth of Innovation and Sustainability

Mengdi Li's Exhibition Center Showcases China's Urban Evolution

After a year of meticulous renovation, the Shanghai Urban Planning Museum emerges as a testament to the city's dynamic, prosperous, and sustainable evolution. This article explores the unique features and innovative technologies that make this design a standout.

Mengdi Li, along with Xiaobai Luo, Lihui Song, and Ming Li, have transformed the Shanghai Urban Planning Museum into a cultural hub that encapsulates the city's past, present, and future. The museum is not just a venue to display urban planning and construction achievements in China, but also a national 4A-level tourist attraction, a national science education base, an international cultural exchange center in Shanghai, and an important platform to showcase Shanghai's urban image and development accomplishments.

The design's unique properties lie in its innovative use of technology. The 7000m² exhibition space is brought to life with a 360° digital circular screen art installation, the world's largest 5D digital city sand table "city brain", VR device, hologram, digital twin, interactive large immersive mixed reality scenes, isometric model and AR display device, and a giant LED screen. These elements come together to create an immersive and interactive experience for visitors.

The Shanghai Urban Planning Exhibition Hall is more than a museum; it's a reflection of Shanghai's urban development journey. Over the past 20 years, it has welcomed more than 7.22 million visitors from China and abroad, serving as a window for citizens and visitors to understand Shanghai. The museum focuses on the visionary goals of urban development, records the vivid cases of Shanghai's urban construction and development, and reflects the trends of future urban development.

Through a variety of display forms and modern high-tech technology, the museum offers rich and diverse content and experiences for different types of visitors. It allows visitors to better experience Shanghai's good environment for living, working, learning, and visiting, and enhances the city's cohesion, attractiveness, creativity, competitiveness, and influence.

The design's excellence has not gone unnoticed. In 2023, it was awarded Silver in A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award. This prestigious accolade is rewarded to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that illustrate outstanding expertise and innovation. These designs, admired for their strong technical characteristics and splendid artistic skill, showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Team Members: Mengdi Li Xiaobai Luo Lihui Song Ming Li
Project Name: Shanghai Urban Planning

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