Unveiling the Nude Flat: A Cycladic-inspired Sanctuary

Designers Maggie Mo and Jay Leung Create a Serene and Sensual Living Space

Inspired by the Cycladic culture and its curvaceous architectural forms, designers Maggie Mo and Jay Leung have created a unique residential house, The Nude Flat. This award-winning design is a testament to the designers' ability to blend traditional inspiration with modern design elements, resulting in a serene and sensual living space.

The Nude Flat, located in Hong Kong, is a 1,468 square meter residence that exudes calmness and beauty through its earth-toned color palette and curved design elements. The project, which started in July 2021 and was completed a year later, was inspired by the schematic flat female idols of the Cycladic culture, carved out of the islands' pure white marble. The designers aimed to incorporate these curvaceous shapes in various forms throughout the house.

Upon entering the foyer, visitors are greeted by a curvaceous wall and an organic lotus-patterned wooden floor that reflects the fluidity of the space's natural surroundings. The chandelier, handmade by a Portuguese craftsman, contrasts with the detailed brass marble dinner table, creating an interplay of lines and textures. The furnishings' soft contours contrast with the fireplace's neat lines, while natural daylight is strategically spread throughout the home. The off-white shade perfectly matches the beige monotone, exuding a warm glow.

The designers used a variety of materials to achieve the desired aesthetic. Inspired by the pink sand beaches of Crete, Greece, pink hue marble was used in the powder room. For the curved wall's streamlined effect, the designers sourced seamless artificial Ottostone. Calcutta marble and white were added to the bathroom, with the stone's veining bringing visual interest and a sense of spaciousness to the space.

The original three-bedroom layout was reconfigured to provide a generous main suite with an extravagant walk-in wardrobe and a wellness-inspired bathroom with a jacuzzi. The designers faced challenges in custom-making the round-edge furniture and walls, particularly in replacing a sharp corner with a curved door leading into the couple's bedroom. However, these challenges were overcome, resulting in a design that is both functional and aesthetically pleasing.

The Nude Flat was awarded the Silver A' Interior Space, Retail and Exhibition Design Award in 2023, a testament to the design's outstanding expertise and innovation. This award is given to top-of-the-line, creative, and professionally remarkable designs that showcase a remarkable level of excellence and introduce positive feelings, amazement, and wonder.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Maggie Mo Jay Leung
Image Credits: Photo by: HDP photography
Project Team Members: Maggie Mo Jay Leung Vivian Cheung
Project Name: The Nude Flat
Project Client: Maggie Mo Jay Leung

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