Puzzle Learn: A Fun and Engaging Vocabulary Study Supplement

Revolutionizing Elementary Education with Innovative Design

Miraen Design Team introduces Puzzle Learn, a game-like study supplement that combines entertainment and education to make learning fun and engaging for elementary school students.

Puzzle Learn is an elementary level Korean vocabulary study supplement developed by MiraeN that spans 25 days of study. Inspired by cartoonish expressions, this innovative workbook aims to provide a fun and easy way for students to enhance their vocabulary skills. By incorporating visual entertainment and interactive elements, Puzzle Learn aims to lessen the burden of studying for today's tech-savvy students.

What sets Puzzle Learn apart from traditional study materials is its unique approach to learning. The name itself, a combination of "Puzzle" and "Learn," conveys the message that studying complex language can be as enjoyable as putting together a puzzle. The supplement consists of various illustrations with simple explanations and entertaining puzzles that stimulate students' interest and enhance their focus.

One of the key strengths of Puzzle Learn is its realization technology. The designers have implemented entertaining visual effects, such as frames, speech balloons, and half tones, to provide users with an immersive learning experience. The use of small frames enhances the portability of the book, allowing students to study whenever and wherever they want. The main font, applied in the title and main passages, complements the cartoon concept, further immersing students in the learning process.

Puzzle Learn also includes four puzzle exploring characters that playfully encourage students to complete their studies. The supplement features various interactive activities, such as checking vocabularies with simple puzzles, using vocabularies in different puzzles, and solving crossword puzzles. These activities not only help students apply and use words properly in real-life situations but also make the learning process enjoyable and engaging.

Published on November 1st, 2022, Puzzle Learn has been widely available in both online and offline bookstores throughout Korea. Its unique design and innovative approach to education have garnered recognition in the design community. In 2023, Puzzle Learn was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Education, Teaching Aid, and Training Content Design category. This prestigious award acknowledges the supplement's outstanding creativity and ingenuity, as well as its contribution to improving the quality of education.

Puzzle Learn is not just a study supplement; it is a revolution in elementary education. By combining entertainment and education, this innovative design aims to make learning a joyful and rewarding experience for young students. With its unique features and engaging content, Puzzle Learn sets a new standard for vocabulary study supplements, paving the way for future expansions and advancements in educational materials.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Mirae-N Design Team
Image Credits: Mirae-N Design Team
Project Team Members: MiraeN design team Creative Director Hyunji Son Brand Design Byoungsok kim, Jihee kim Media Design Seyoung Hong Character Design Bokyong Kim
Project Name: Puzzle Learn
Project Client: Mirae-N Design Team

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