Revolutionizing Corporate Identity: Animated Koopmans Logo

Rebrandt's Innovative Approach to Reflecting Dynamic Work Ethos

Rebrandt, led by Ruud Winder, has redefined corporate identity with the creation of the Animated Koopmans Logo. This design, awarded Silver in A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2023, encapsulates the dynamic working attitude of the organization, contrasting with the traditional stillness of a print company.

The inspiration behind this innovative design was to communicate the breadth of the range more clearly. The term 'print shop' no longer encapsulates what Koopmans does, and this new identity is not only an aesthetically appealing design language but also a strategic marketing instrument that communicates the wide range of products they offer.

The animated logo, which is the basic logo of the company, is used everywhere from online platforms to videos and presentations. It moves like an abacus, subtly transitioning from one option to another. This unique feature was brought to life by Peter Puntman and Kaz van Wel, who were instrumental in the animation and online implementation respectively.

The design process, from concept to realization, spanned approximately three months. The challenge was to create a timeless typographic design that also carried the company's history of over 70 years. After hundreds of versions, Rebrandt achieved a solid balance in the typography, subtly hinting at the company's rich history.

The Animated Koopmans Logo is more than just a typographic, animated logo system. It's a testament to the dynamic working attitude of the organization, a strategic marketing instrument, and a design that carries the company's history. It's a design that has successfully communicated the breadth of the range that Koopmans offers, moving beyond the traditional concept of a 'print shop'.

With the Animated Koopmans Logo, Rebrandt has truly revolutionized corporate identity. It's a design that not only reflects the dynamic ethos of the organization but also communicates the wide range of products they offer. It's a design that is not just aesthetically appealing but also strategically effective.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Ruud Winder
Image Credits: Ruud Winder - Rebrandt 2022
Project Team Members: Ruud Winder — concept & design Linda Kaandorp — dtp Peter Puntman — animation Kaz van Wel — website + html5 animation
Project Name: Animated Koopmans Logo System
Project Client: Ruud Winder

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Animated Koopmans Logo System IMG #5

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