Meat by Meet: A Digital Marketing Project by Luca Prata

Enhancing the Art of Meat Selection through Innovative Digital Communication

Our main goal with the Meat by Meet project was to tell the story and passion of the Barone family through visual web and graphic solutions. We aimed to create a communication strategy that would make the subject of meat more accessible and engaging to customers. By combining the expertise of visual designers, the client, and a strong and impactful online presence, we were able to achieve great success.

Carni Barone's communication strategy was developed after an in-depth study of national and international competitors, both online and offline. The visual design team created unique graphics that effectively conveyed the essence of the Italian meat trader while offering a wide variety of commercial options. What sets this project apart is the ability to develop a communication strategy that addresses both the product offering and the customer's desire for a traditional, artisanal experience.

The project encompassed various aspects of communication, including graphic design, web design, and social media management. The web designers focused on creating an accessible and user-friendly website and e-commerce platform. User interface and user experience were key considerations throughout the production phase, resulting in a seamless and enjoyable browsing and shopping experience. Social media managers formulated innovative graphics and advertising campaigns that captured the attention of the target audience while staying true to the family tradition.

The technology behind the project involved a versatile CMS for easy client access, AJAX integrations, CSS3 transitions, HTML5 structures, native PHP for tool integrations, and various graphic software. These technologies were combined to create a fast and visually appealing design that showcased the quality and variety of meat available.

The Meat by Meet project was developed in Milan in 2019, with the website taking four months to complete. The e-commerce platform was developed in Alba from 2020 to 2021, and social media communication and shop management took place in Alba and Brescia from 2019 to 2023. The duration of the project allowed for extensive research and refinement of the communication strategy.

Through captivating graphics and strategic communication, the Meat by Meet project successfully engaged customers in the selection and purchase of meat. Social media campaigns and advertisements directed users to the website and e-commerce platform, where they could explore a wide range of meat options and make purchases. The responsive layout of the website ensured a seamless browsing experience across devices, while the e-commerce platform offered various features such as membership benefits, bundle products, and zero shipping options to enhance the shopping experience.

The Meat by Meet project was a comprehensive digital marketing endeavor that showcased the true essence of the Barone family's meat business. By combining various digital skills, including branding, web design, graphic design, and social media communication, the project elevated the customer's brand to become the leading online butcher shop in Italy in terms of sales in 2022.

The success of the Meat by Meet project was recognized with a Bronze A' Design Award in 2023. This prestigious award celebrates designs that demonstrate creativity, resourcefulness, and technical excellence. The project was commended for its ability to incorporate best practices in art, science, design, and technology, ultimately improving the quality of life for customers and making a positive impact in the world.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Luca Prata
Image Credits: All photos, images/graphics and web development are shaped by internal components of LANGA Studios (a brand of LANGA Company)
Project Team Members: Creative director: Luca Prata Graphic designer: Andrea Dotta Photographer: Luigi Perrone Social media manager: Giovanni Carlevante Visual designer: Roberto Fontana Web designer: Mara Pata Developer: Brian Long Shop manager and editor: Lucia Villa
Project Name: Meat by Meet
Project Client: Luca Prata

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