Zamek Na Skale: A Historic Castle Transformed into a Luxury Hotel

Preserving History while Embracing Modernity

The historic Zamek Na Skale castle in Poland has undergone a remarkable transformation, thanks to the visionary design work of Zbigniew Nojszewski and his team. This unique project has successfully preserved the castle's individual historic values while introducing modern functionality and luxury.

The inspiration for the Zamek Na Skale project was drawn from the castle's rich history and iconic decor. The design team carefully balanced the limitations imposed by the historic space and financial considerations with the goal of introducing new functions that are both usable and aesthetically pleasing. The result is a harmonious blend of the old and the new, creating a truly exceptional hotel experience.

What sets Zamek Na Skale apart is its commitment to preserving the castle's historic rooms and restoring the original elements of the decor. The removal of secondary divisions has allowed for a clear layout of functions, ensuring the comfort of guests. The introduction of modern technical solutions further enhances the overall experience, making this hotel a true gem.

The realization of the Zamek Na Skale design involved a meticulous process. A concept was first developed, taking into account conservation guidelines and showcasing the functional and spatial program, as well as the envisioned color and material palette. Building design and construction works followed, with detailed designs and material calculations prepared for each room.

The hotel boasts 50 rooms with bathrooms, a restaurant, conference rooms, and wellness facilities. The usable area of the castle spans an impressive 3,210 square meters. The historic building itself dates back to the late 16th century and features an irregular layout, with three castle wings extending from the quadrangle of the mansion built around the inner courtyard. The south-west wing, perched on a rock above the river, adds to the castle's unique charm.

The Zamek Na Skale project began in August 2004, with construction and conservation works commencing in December of the same year. The hotel officially opened its doors in 2006, but design, construction, and arrangement works continued over the following years. In 2011, an orangery was added as a second restaurant room, and further improvements were made to the castle's recessed rooms. Most recently, in April 2022, the wellness rooms located in the former castle stables were beautifully renovated.

The reconstruction and arrangement of the historic castle required extensive research and careful planning. Detailed studies were conducted to ensure the preservation of the castle's unique interiors, which feature decorations from various historical periods, including Baroque, Art Nouveau, and Neo-Rococo. The discovery that the walls and vaults were predominantly made of broken stone presented a challenge in terms of introducing changes to the openings and installation design.

The Zamek Na Skale project has been recognized for its outstanding design and creativity. It was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Hospitality, Recreation, Travel, and Tourism category in 2023. This prestigious accolade is bestowed upon designs that exhibit strong technical and creative skills, contributing to improvements in quality of life.

The transformation of Zamek Na Skale into a luxury hotel is a testament to the power of design to breathe new life into historic spaces. By preserving the castle's unique heritage while embracing modernity, Zbigniew Nojszewski and his team have created a truly exceptional destination that seamlessly blends history, luxury, and comfort.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Zbigniew Nojszewski
Image Credits: Zbigniew Nojszewski
Project Team Members: Katarzyna Downarowicz, Jolanta Korbut-Majchrzak Rafal Maciejewski
Project Name: Zamek Na Skale
Project Client: Zbigniew Nojszewski

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