Sonder Moments: A Captivating Naked Eye 3D Art Piece in Chengdu

Blurring the Boundaries Between Virtuality and Reality

Sonder Moments, a naked-eye 3D public art piece showcased on a digital billboard in Chengdu, China, brings a surreal spectacle to the urban landscape. Created by designer Flint Walk, this larger-than-life artwork blurs the boundary between virtuality and reality, allowing the audience to experience the wonder of traveling through time and space right in the heart of the city center.

Sonder Moments is not just an ordinary art piece; it is a manifestation of the awakening of self-consciousness and the power of individuals. Inspired by the ordinary and mundane human society in the modern world, Flint Walk breathes life and exuberance from a different time and space into this art piece. The maximization of the larger-than-life effect brings a strong visual impact on the audience, evoking a sense of awe and wonder.

Utilizing naked-eye 3D technology, Sonder Moments creates a surreal spectacle that captivates the audience. The digital media and visual design techniques employed in this public art piece blur the boundaries between the virtual and the real, creating a unique and immersive experience. As the colossus travels from another dimension to the social fields of the metropolitan spaces, it brings energy and exuberance, transforming the urban landscape into a mesmerizing dreamscape.

The technical specifications of Sonder Moments are equally impressive. The colossus is displayed on an 8K LED billboard, covering an area of 888 square meters. The team behind this artwork used Maya for the animation and Nuke for the visual effects. The design incorporates elements of flowers, marbles, and glass, with particle visual effects on the meteorites, creating a visually stunning and dynamic composition.

Flint Walk and the design team faced several challenges in bringing Sonder Moments to life. Achieving both softness and hardness on the colossus through visual effects was a creative and technical challenge. Additionally, creating the pink grass, avoiding distortion, and differentiating Colossus II from Colossus I required meticulous attention to detail and innovative problem-solving.

Sonder Moments not only serves as a captivating piece of art but also has practical applications. Displayed in public spaces, the naked-eye 3D technology on larger-than-life objects provides captivating experiences for the audience. With live-action filming, visual effects, creative concepting, and advanced rendering technology, this art piece contributes to the brand equity and commercialization of products.

Since its unveiling in November 2022, Sonder Moments has become a prominent feature of Chengdu's city center, captivating locals and visitors alike. This naked-eye 3D art piece is a testament to the power of design to transform urban spaces and evoke emotions. It is a visual journey that transcends time and space, leaving a lasting impression on all who experience it.

Flint Walk's Sonder Moments has received recognition for its exceptional design. In 2023, it was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the category of Computer Graphics, 3D Modeling, Texturing, and Rendering Design. This prestigious award is given to well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. Sonder Moments stands out for its integration of industry best practices, competent technical characteristics, and its contribution to a better world through fulfillment and positive feelings.

Experience the captivating beauty of Sonder Moments and immerse yourself in a world where reality and imagination intertwine. This naked-eye 3D art piece is a testament to the power of design to inspire, evoke emotions, and transform urban spaces.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Cheng Zeng
Image Credits: Copyright: Flint Walk, Sonder Moments, 2022
Project Team Members: Cheng Zeng
Project Name: Sonder Moments
Project Client: Cheng Zeng

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