Soft Light: A Playful Innovation in Lighting Design

Designer Tianyi Shi's Award-Winning Creation Inspired by Foam

Soft Light, a unique lighting design by Tianyi Shi, is a playful and innovative household product that redefines the interaction between humans and lighting fixtures. Inspired by the softness and warmth of foam, this design brings a sense of companionship and tranquility to any living space.

Soft Light's design inspiration comes from a simple interaction with an ordinary foam. The designer was intrigued by the foam's stubbornness to retain its shape despite being manipulated. This led her to envision the foam as a potential member of the household, resulting in the creation of Soft Light.

The unique properties of Soft Light lie in its interactive nature and the comforting ambiance it creates. When pressed, the foam cover seems to nod or bow, adding a playful element to the design. When left alone, the light emitted through the foam's pores creates a warm and quiet atmosphere, turning a mundane object into an engaging experience.

The realization of Soft Light involved careful consideration of the materials used. The LED light's maximum temperature is 100 degrees centigrade, safely below the foam's melting point of 200 degrees. Ventilation is provided through pores in the base and on the sides of the design.

Soft Light comes in three sizes, with the largest measuring 110mm x 700mm x 144mm, the medium one at 250mm x 250mm x 300mm, and the smallest at 50mm x 50mm x 90mm. The design's interaction is simple yet engaging. The light is activated and its brightness adjusted by the pressure applied to the foam cover.

The design project started in June 2014 and was completed in October 2014 in China. The research involved exploring the properties of foam, a material seldom used in light design. Safety was a crucial aspect of the research, leading to consultations with technicians and conducting experiments to ensure the design's feasibility.

The main challenge in the design process was shaping the interior of the foam cover. Despite this, Tianyi Shi successfully transformed her inspiration into a tangible product, resulting in Soft Light's recognition as a Golden A' Lighting Products and Fixtures Design Award winner in 2016. This prestigious award is granted to outstanding creations that reflect the designer's wisdom and significantly impact the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: TIANYI SHI
Image Credits: Image #1: Tianyi Shi, 2014 Image #2: Tianyi Shi, 2014 Image #3: Yunmei Li, 2014 Image #4: Tianyi Shi, 2014 Image #5: Yunmei Li, 2014
Project Team Members: TIANYI SHI
Project Name: Soft
Project Client: TIANYI SHI

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