Anti-Glitch Foundation: A Bold New Visual Identity by Papanapa

Exploring the Intersection of Technology, Creativity, and Automated Processes

Unveiling the new visual identity of Anti-Glitch Foundation, a post-production company, designed by Papanapa. This innovative design reflects the company's technological and creative processes, drawing inspiration from the 8-bit language and film structures.

The Anti-Glitch Foundation sought a fresh visual identity to represent its brand services. Papanapa, a renowned design team, was tasked with this project. The inspiration behind the design was the 8-bit language, the inconsistencies left by glitches, and the half-tones present in low-res technology. The team also incorporated film structure concepts such as fragments, montage, exaggeration, and conflict, to enhance the narrative within the brand.

What sets this design apart is the experimental font developed by Papanapa. Each letter is a combination of two weights on the font set (A and B), creating a unique, vibrant, and tactile visual universe. This font is the main player in the project, and its creation involved exploring different visual languages until the final idea was conceived and approved.

The project, which spanned three months, was a collaborative effort between the design team and the client. Despite being based in different cities, the team held several meetings in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and others via Skype. The client played a significant role in the project, providing insights, references, and creative questions.

The design process was not without its challenges. The team had to understand the client's personal view of the company and learn about the company's background and services. This labor-intensive process, however, served as a powerful creative fuel, pushing the identity to a bold and vibrant result.

The Anti-Glitch Foundation's new visual identity has been recognized with a Golden A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2018. This award is granted to outstanding creations that reflect the designer's prodigy and wisdom, advance art, science, design, and technology, and significantly impact the world with their desirable characteristics.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: André
Image Credits: André
Project Team Members: André Arruda Daniela Chun Gustavo Garcia
Project Name: Anti-Glitch Foundation
Project Client: André

Anti-Glitch Foundation IMG #2
Anti-Glitch Foundation IMG #3
Anti-Glitch Foundation IMG #4
Anti-Glitch Foundation IMG #5
Anti-Glitch Foundation IMG #5

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