Metakaos' Superstring: A Fusion of Art, Science, and Technology

Exploring the Intersection of Sculpture, Theoretical Physics, and Digital Fabrication

Metakaos' Superstring sculpture, a winner of the prestigious A' Design Award, is a testament to the fusion of art, science, and technology. This piece, inspired by the Supersymmetric String Theory, is a three-dimensional representation of the universe's building blocks, imagined as tiny strings vibrating across multiple dimensions. It's a unique blend of theoretical physics and art, brought to life through innovative digital fabrication methods.

Massimo Mercurio, the mastermind behind Metakaos, has always been fascinated by the relationship between Mathematics and its geometrical representation. This fascination extended to Complex Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, which served as the inspiration for the Superstring sculpture. The sculpture is a tribute to the great achievements of mankind in the field of Physics and the ongoing attempt to create a universal and comprehensive theory of the physical mechanism of the universe.

The creation of the Superstring sculpture was a unique process. Instead of traditional clay or plasticine modeling, the sculpture was sketched on paper and modeled in three-dimensions on a computer using Rhino software. The 3D model was then printed in various sizes using a three-dimensional printer. These mini models were used to create larger clay and plasticine models, which were then scanned and touched up in 3D to produce the final prints of the artwork. This digital fabrication process allowed for a high level of precision and detail in the final sculpture.

The Superstring sculpture is made of two elements forged out of 316 stainless steel sheets, 3mm in thickness. These elements were bent and welded by skilled metal workers under Massimo's supervision. After forging and welding, the steel surface underwent a long polishing process, resulting in a beautiful mirror finish. The high-grade stainless steel allows the sculpture to be part of a water feature and be exposed to the weather, maintaining its shine without tarnishing or rusting.

The sculpture is an approximately 3.2m x 2.5m x 2.7m coil of steel that loops five times, turning back to connect the first with the last. It moves from back to front in a seemingly dynamic flow that evokes a perennial continuum. The twists of the coil are arranged with a cadence that resembles a melodic composition, reminding us of the harmony of Physics and the fascinating connection between Music and Mathematics.

The second element of the sculpture is a rounded nucleus of 1.25m x 900mm x 900mm. It is suspended by four thin steel cables in the centre of the coil. The cables are barely visible from a few meters away, giving the illusion that the nucleus is floating. This magical appearance captivates onlookers and invites them to interact with the sculpture, playing with their reflections on its pristine steel surface.

In conclusion, Metakaos' Superstring sculpture is a remarkable fusion of art, science, and technology. It's a testament to the power of digital fabrication and the potential for art to bring complex scientific theories to life in a tangible and engaging way. The sculpture serves as a reminder of the harmony between different disciplines and the potential for art to inspire a deeper understanding of the world around us.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Mercurio Design Lab S.r.l.
Image Credits: CI&A
Project Team Members: Massimo Mercurio Kimberly Liu Luke Lin Sam Zhang
Project Name: Super String
Project Client: Mercurio Design Lab S.r.l.

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