Fruttizie: A Design that Balances Tradition and Innovation

Creating a Visual Balance for Matilde Vicenzi's Fruttizie

The search for a visual balance able to transfer holistic elements related to well-being using only the visual of the ingredients and the products was the main inspiration for this project. A circle that recalls the form of perfection is the center of gravity for the image, this acts as a casket for the descriptor of the product, emphasizing the innovation of the recipes. The circle is open as it highlights the reception of new elements and it represents the synthesis of the equilibrium.

Matilde Vicenzi, a renowned Italian pastry brand, has always been synonymous with traditional treats. However, with the introduction of their new line, Fruttizie, they faced the challenge of making their innovative recipes believable while staying true to their brand heritage. Designer Giulia De Andreis rose to the occasion, creating a design that strikes the perfect balance between tradition and innovation.

Fruttizie's unique selling point lies in its incorporation of ingredients with added nutritional benefits. This posed a challenge for the design team, as they had to find a way to visually communicate the health-conscious aspect of the products without straying too far from Matilde Vicenzi's brand architecture.

The design solution came in the form of a visual language that seamlessly integrates within the brand's existing framework while giving it a modern twist. At the heart of the design is a circle, symbolizing perfection and acting as a focal point for the image. This circle serves as a container for the product descriptor, emphasizing the innovative nature of the recipes. The open nature of the circle represents the reception of new elements and signifies the synthesis of equilibrium.

By incorporating this visual balance, Fruttizie's packaging design successfully communicates the brand's values and heritage while showcasing its commitment to innovation. The design not only captures the attention of consumers but also conveys the unique properties of the products.

Recognizing the excellence of this design, Fruttizie was awarded the Bronze A' Design Award in the Packaging Design category in 2019. This prestigious accolade is bestowed upon designs that demonstrate outstanding creativity, resourcefulness, and technical skills. Fruttizie's packaging design stands as a testament to the brand's commitment to quality and its contribution to improving the quality of life through art, science, design, and technology.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: GIULIA DE ANDREIS
Project Team Members: GIULIA DE ANDREIS
Project Name: Matilde Vicenzi

Matilde Vicenzi IMG #2
Matilde Vicenzi IMG #3
Matilde Vicenzi IMG #4
Matilde Vicenzi IMG #5
Matilde Vicenzi IMG #5

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