Today Happiness: A Fusion of Tradition and Innovation

Chinese Culture Meets Modern Design in Award-Winning Brand

Today Happiness, a brand that draws from the rich tapestry of Chinese culture, has been recognized for its innovative approach to design. The brand, created by Qin Zhen, Mo Meiyin, and Mai Tinghui, has been awarded the Silver A' Graphics, Illustration and Visual Communication Design Award in 2021.

The brand's design is inspired by the traditional Chinese culture of Xi, a concept that celebrates life's most important events. Today Happiness seeks to reinterpret this ancient culture for the modern world, creating a brand that is both rooted in tradition and forward-thinking. The brand's mission is to promote a positive, open-minded approach to life, encapsulated in their motto: "life everywhere happy".

What sets Today Happiness apart is its unique interpretation of the "Xi" culture. The brand proposes that "everything should be celebrated and everything should be happy", a philosophy that is reflected in their product range. The brand uses a variety of mediums, including video, music, and digital experiences, to bring traditional culture to life in new and exciting ways.

Today Happiness is not just a brand, but a social media ecosystem. The brand's sales channel operates on some of China's largest social media platforms, providing a seamless and cost-effective user experience. The brand's theme song, a collaboration between Cantonese opera and hip-hop artists, is a testament to the brand's innovative approach to cultural fusion.

The brand's design draws on elements of ancient Chinese culture, from color and architecture to human life. The primary color is a traditional Chinese festive red, contrasted with a trendy blue, symbolizing both the brand's respect for tradition and its youthful vitality. The brand's graphics feature a symmetrical structure of "Xi", further reinforcing the brand's connection to traditional Chinese culture.

Despite the challenges of launching a new brand in a market saturated with cross-border and new brands, Today Happiness has managed to carve out a unique niche for itself. By leveraging traditional Chinese culture in a contemporary context, the brand has successfully reached a young audience, proving that tradition and innovation can coexist harmoniously.

In conclusion, Today Happiness is a testament to the power of design to bridge the gap between tradition and innovation. The brand's success demonstrates that with creativity and a deep understanding of cultural heritage, it is possible to create a brand that is both deeply rooted in tradition and thoroughly modern. The Silver A' Design Award is a well-deserved recognition of the brand's innovative approach to design and its commitment to promoting a positive, open-minded approach to life.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Qin Zhen
Image Credits: Qin Zhen
Project Team Members: Qin Zhen, Feng Ligeng, He Da, Yuan Yuan, Mo Meiyin, Li Binglin, Chen Yingying, Mai Tinghui
Project Name: Today Happiness
Project Client: Qin Zhen

Today Happiness  IMG #2
Today Happiness  IMG #3
Today Happiness  IMG #4
Today Happiness  IMG #5
Today Happiness  IMG #5

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